Steam just tracks how long the program is running. My old rig played Dark Souls 3 24/7 sometimes because the .exe file would glitch and stay open until I manually terminated it. I averaged 168 hours a week coming back from a 2 week vacation once.
It normally would go on sleep mode and be off anyway so I hadn’t noticed it was on when I left. That was how I learned that the .exe would just stay running and not allow things to shut off normally when idle.
Steam just tracks how long the program is running. My old rig played Dark Souls 3 24/7 sometimes because the .exe file would glitch and stay open until I manually terminated it. I averaged 168 hours a week coming back from a 2 week vacation once.
You let your PC run through 2 weeks of vacation?
It normally would go on sleep mode and be off anyway so I hadn’t noticed it was on when I left. That was how I learned that the .exe would just stay running and not allow things to shut off normally when idle.
I would hate that so much that I would get Dark Souls removed from my account.