Version 2 of the European app alternatives. Feel free to share it :)
It’s pretty telling that, as a European, I’ve literally not heard of any of those European alternatives.
Last time I checked ecosia gets it’s search queries from Bing, just a heads up. Other than that I’d say it’s really solid.
Peertube has this fediverse problem. You google it, go to the webpage and instead of getting a list of promoted videos, you get an explanation of what it is and a manual on how to actually join, starting with „select a pot“. You then get to search the list of pots that all have like 10 viewers and 5gb upload limit. I stopped at this point.
That being said, i really would like an European youtube alternative, but not off the „provide your own hardware“ kind.
Exactly my problem why I’m not really getting into Lemmy either, same with mastodon. The whole decentralization standing in the middle of it all is just annoying.
Also yeah, Peertube did not even look like a competitor at all. Same with Threema with it costing 6 euros to use doesn’t have the best onboarding, but take a look at the pinned post at ! for a few good servers to choose from.
This is missing Spotify and TomTom unless I am missing something
Thanks for the feedback. It is not supposed to be a complete list. It’s a start. You can find more alternatives in our database:
Isn’t just an OSM wrapper, but proprietary?
I’d suggest adding waze on there and tomtom amigo as an alternative Also infomaniak as an email alternative You’re missing Google Drive -> Filen or Infomaniak
The whole seznam ecosystem is an alternative to Google, unfortunately it’s Czech only
Missing out the big one here - Spotify is also European fyi.
left Spotify for Deezer. Spotify owners are fashy.
I use Spotify Connect quite extensively to put music onto my radio without it being Bluetooth. Does Deezer have an equivalent?
i have no idea. 😅
but also platforms right wingers that had an impact on influencing our election. i get i shouldn’t be the one guiding boycotts of my own nation’s products, i’m just saying spotify has been antihelpful when it comes to the creation of this situation
Yeah I can totally understand that especially in relation to Rogan etc.
Any alternative to Trello one of you can recommend?
I hadn’t heard about it. Once we add more business software alternatives to the database, I will make sure to keep it in mind. Thanks for the suggestion! :)
No problem. There’s also, an FOSS, self hostable private E2EE office suite (self hosted, but counts because the flagship instance is french.)
Canada wants to know: why not zoidberg?
Aren’t almost all of these quite terrible?
DeepL is a good translator, though it has a more limited set of supported languages
I wonder why you think so. Some like Peertube & Threema are definitely poor alternatives but I wouldn’t say it’s “almost all” either.
- Deezer vs Apple Music/Tidal: Deezer has a great selection of music and recommendation algorithm. I’ve never used Tidal but Deezer is definitely better than Apple Music IMO.
- Tuta/ vs Gmail: Well, they all let you send and receive emails. Unless you’re an enterprise user, I don’t see what advantage Gmail would have over the others.
- HERE WeGo vs Google Maps: Very recently installed HERE and didn’t have any issues so far. This can be a bit location-dependent though.
- Ecosia vs Google: Ecosia uses Bing/Google1 as its search index anyway, so the results are almost exactly the same for me.
- DeepL Translate vs Google Translate: DeepL has a more limited selection of languages but for the languages it supports, it’s the undisputed king.
- Bolt vs Uber: I only used Bolt a few times while I was in Portugal and it seemed fine. Maybe this is also location-dependent.
1I think it’s Bing by default but you can configure it to use Google in the settings.
Not at all.
Of course you would disagree, you’re promoting them.
But I will be more than happy to replace them or add alternative in the next iteration of the infographic. What apps would you recommend?
I would reccommend further development.
And as we arm the continent for war once more, as the US commits to isolationism and NATO abandonment, we might as well disregard any copyright issues preventing the implementation of important features. So while we might lose everything, we might finally get decent European elternatives for a brief period.
Protonmail is missing.
Due to negative feedback in version 1.0 I removed it from the infographic. You can still find it in the database itself.