You want to follow your not-money-generating dreams? Become a philosopher? Travel the world? Just enjoying your life? Well, you better be rich or you can forget about it.
The rich didn’t just steal everything they can from us, they made sure that we suffer if we don’t work for them.
You forgot the homeless part
a great summary of “wage of labor and capital”
Yes but at least we have videogames and porn
Sometimes I think that my life isn’t much different than being a medieval peon slaving away for their liege but then I remember they didn’t have goon caves. Poor bastards.
I’m not capable of providing value to anyone. Not my kids, not my soon-to-be ex wife, not my employer. I’m nothing but a drain on everyone in my life and when I die, I will do it penniless and alone.
You are not your productivity. Also, you are not a dad that ran away from their children. You maybe could be better, but you definitely could be worse.
Life is sad. Humans really saw oceans and mountains and thought we should build more.