Like telling someone who’s missing both legs to get better shoes so they can keep up.
On the flip side, someone with legs isn’t gonna understand the point of prosthetics because it would be totally useless to them.
ADHD has definitely opened my eyes to how much we humans subconsciously assume we know everything based on our own experiences.
Also one of those things is visible and generally comprehensible to others.
Someone getting annoyed because your advice didn’t work for them due to their specific mental patterns…is very different from missing a leg.
I would like to recommend the following order of presenting the argument:
I didn’t follow your advice because it relays on me not having ADHD and therefore is useless.
I am so tired of being judged
Just make a schedule and stick to it!
Speaking of schedules, I wonder what makes me able to follow external schedules quite normally but never my own ones. It’s something that has been bugging me forever.
thanks i never thought of that
i appreciate advice in the spirit in which it was given. If words are given in a helpful spirit then i appreciate the honest attempt to try to help me, even if it’s actually not helpful
Every manager I’ve ever had
When I get angry at people not following my instruction, it’s because I know these people will try to make the resulting mess my problem.
Forget the wheelchair. We both know you can climb a flight of stairs. You just need to take it one step at a time. Don’t look at me like that. This is your mess. Not my problem.
How is this related?