This is a link to a diff of Firefox where the FAQ are stored in a structured way. In the diff it can be seen that the question “Does Firefox sell your personal data?” has been removed:

            "@type": "Question",  
            "name": "Does Firefox sell your personal data?",  
            "acceptedAnswer": {  
                "@type": "Answer",  
                "text": "Nope. Never have, never will. And we protect you from  
                        many of the advertisers who do. Firefox products are designed  
                        to protect your privacy. That’s a promise. "  

People in the comments are asking if the definition of the word “neven” has been changed or what’s going on.

    3 days ago

    Mozilla FakeSpot promises that the following “is Sold and/or Shared [with] Advertising partners”:

    • “browsing history, search history”
    • “Geolocation data”
    • “a profile about a consumer”

    Instead of aligning FakeSpot (which they bought in 2023) with their pro-privacy stance, it seems they are realigning their stance with their actual activity.

    Brownie points for being honest, I guess.