Results are still pouring in from ridings across the province, so the size of the majority is uncertain. In addition to Ford, NDP Leader Marit Stiles and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner have won re-election, CBC News Projects.
Results are still pouring in from ridings across the province, so the size of the majority is uncertain. In addition to Ford, NDP Leader Marit Stiles and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner have won re-election, CBC News Projects.
Oh well, we tried. At least he lost some seats, there wasn’t much vote split and the NDP held onto most of their seats (25) with 18% of the vote while the Liberals won 12-14 with 29%. This is the third time in a row where voting Ontario Liberal didn’t produce any substantial result. Perhaps it will be the time when a large number of voters flip.
They got party status back and had 10% more of the vote than the NDP. That’s a substantial result but they need better, smarter leadership.
Yes it wasn’t all for nothing for sure but it’s a minimal result for the organizing and voting effort. I’d prefer people to shift to the Ontario NDP instead of working even harder to get the OLP in a better position. Reason being that even if the OLP forms a government, it will likely not be sufficiently different than the PCs as to significantly improve life in the province. We remember Kathleen Wynne, we remember Dalton. Things were better but they still were underfunding healthcare, freezing public wages, sold public assets, and so on. Just less than the PCs. Don’t get me wrong I’ll take an OLP government any day over PC, but I’ll take an ONDP government over either of them. It’s why I vote strategically when the fight isn’t between ONDP/OLP in my riding. With that said I’m not sure that even the ONDP would do significant enough changes to get people stuck on them for a decade or longer.
I would have loved to vote NDP but in my riding there just isn’t much support for them. It’s nice to see so many seats go NDP in the province, but it’s disheartening losing to PC once again even after they’ve shown no regard for (what I believe and hope are) the municipality’s values. It was at least close between PC and LIB which is the best I can say. But unfortunately, if a large portion of NDP voters voted LIB, they’d have actually won.
Mine was also very close PC/OLP with very small proportion to ONDP. I voted OLP in the hope to flip the seat. Failed, but even if all ONDP voters to have helped, the PC candidate would have scraped by a small margin. Can’t blame anyone. We tried.🥹