Would people really let some stray live with them?
Can’t imagine having a pet. They convert money and time into poop and stink and offer nothing in return. Never understood the appeal, yet I love all animals.
Not to me, sorry. What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal. they don’t belong in my company/house. Just because we domesticated the fuck outta them doesn’t make it better. And i also couldn’t neuter them or feed them this disgusting shit we call pet-food. And also I don’t want to take out the shit of others :-)
They actually do. Not that this is either anything of your concern nor the point.
And guess what, friends are people i care about that I CHOSE TO. They didn’t get bought in a pet-shop and were forced to be in my vicinity, nor suddenly appeared in my house as strays. You maybe see the point somewhere there.
What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal.
Hypothetically, if someone that was very close to you was in a terrible accident at has become paralyzed and no longer capable of taking care of themselves. What benefit do you have in taking care of them. Will you just abandon them? I would hope you are not cold hearted as such. Obviously there is such benefit as companionship with another living creature. Im not judging you for not wanting a pet, i dont have one myself. But you are coming off very cold.
You must’ve totally misinterpreted.
Of course I’d care for those close to me. Even without having any benefit for me. But those people I selected. They didn’t just wander into my house like a stray and decided my decisions.
I actually work for free in my spare-time with abused people. Just because it’s a thing a civilized species should do, but sadly doesn’t.
That is literally was i was lectured on here about. History of the domestication of house-cats :)
And no, i can’t imagine people actually doing that. That was my whole point.
I don’t understand that either, I dislike slavery, i even pay our maid double because i feel bad she works for us. But it’s not like I’d force her to, like I’d force a pet to do so.
I need you to understand, nobody, except like dog fighting idiots is forcing their pets. A pet is around and chill with that, otherwise the whole thing is not enjoyable… fish maybe? But you seem to miss a fundamental piece of understanding about pets, and that’s fine but why announce your position about something you just never got to experience? Envy? You know you could get a pet today. And it would be a friend. Most likely. And that feels good. It’s a very basic human emotion you are trying to discredit here. And I will stress again, if you want to, you can go and get a pet whenever. It’s not like being with other’s pets.
Ah come on. At first you gonna rob the house-animal of it’s basic functions. Like procreating. Then the dog goes on a leash, the cat (unless you just let it roam freely) is confined to your house. Then you’re the ultimate master of its fate. Not enough money for the extremely expensive operation needed? Euthanasia it is then.
Do you feed it like it would feed itself?
Or simply put, would you treat your kid the same like your dog? Does it receive the mystery-horror that is canned food? Oh and the food itself is (partly) a horribly murdered non-house-pet-animal. Doesn’t this one deserve your love and care too?
And btw I had pets once. Dogs and a cat actually. And I did everything for those lil shits up to the very last minute. But they were kinda “forced” onto me, I would never ever willingly get a pet. And however you might see this, to me it is no kind of “friendship”. It’s ownership. Literally and even legally speaking. I don’t like this concept.
Comment above is crazy but also, animals are not toys. It’s pretty crazy to want to own animals and make them live with you. Fortunately (idk) some animals co-evolved with us and became dependant of human farming/breeding/ownership
so like, you seriously look at stuff like this and don’t see the appeal? A small adorable fuzzball that obviously loves you, that doesn’t make you feel happy?
I never said I don’t like animals. I do pet them whenever I can and they want to. I really like interacting with any species and learn from it. But I, personally, don’t get anything else out of it, emotion-wise. The love of my wife makes me happy, because it’s a mutual feeling we can communicate about.
The cat (or whichever else animal) does not “love” me. At best it tolerance or even likes my presence. That’s not inherently bad or anything, it just is and I wouldn’t lie to my it ain’t.
I took in a stray kitten that someone dumped at my work back in the fall. I wasn’t sure if i would keep her or not, but i felt obligated to clean her up and feed her while i figured out what to do with her. As soon as she started interacting with my other kitten, they became best friends and i couldn’t in good conscience seperate them.
Another friend of mine slowly took in a stray cat over the fourse of a summer. Leave out food for it of it hangs out around your house until it starts to nuzzle up against you. Then you can pet it, maybe pick it up, and then take it to a doctor to get it checked out.
It sounds to me though, that the other guy just doesn’t like animals.
Would people really let some stray live with them? Can’t imagine having a pet. They convert money and time into poop and stink and offer nothing in return. Never understood the appeal, yet I love all animals.
Warmth, company, fun…? Also, the experience of being responsible for and caring for another being can be very valuable.
Not to me, sorry. What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal. they don’t belong in my company/house. Just because we domesticated the fuck outta them doesn’t make it better. And i also couldn’t neuter them or feed them this disgusting shit we call pet-food. And also I don’t want to take out the shit of others :-)
Your family and friends must adore you.
They actually do. Not that this is either anything of your concern nor the point. And guess what, friends are people i care about that I CHOSE TO. They didn’t get bought in a pet-shop and were forced to be in my vicinity, nor suddenly appeared in my house as strays. You maybe see the point somewhere there.
My point?
Hypothetically, if someone that was very close to you was in a terrible accident at has become paralyzed and no longer capable of taking care of themselves. What benefit do you have in taking care of them. Will you just abandon them? I would hope you are not cold hearted as such. Obviously there is such benefit as companionship with another living creature. Im not judging you for not wanting a pet, i dont have one myself. But you are coming off very cold.
You must’ve totally misinterpreted. Of course I’d care for those close to me. Even without having any benefit for me. But those people I selected. They didn’t just wander into my house like a stray and decided my decisions. I actually work for free in my spare-time with abused people. Just because it’s a thing a civilized species should do, but sadly doesn’t.
Do you think people go “oh darn… a stray managed to get by my defenses, i guess they live with me now”?..
That is literally was i was lectured on here about. History of the domestication of house-cats :) And no, i can’t imagine people actually doing that. That was my whole point.
Newsflash: people choose to have cats too
I don’t understand that either, I dislike slavery, i even pay our maid double because i feel bad she works for us. But it’s not like I’d force her to, like I’d force a pet to do so.
I… What would you force your pet to do again?
I need you to understand, nobody, except like dog fighting idiots is forcing their pets. A pet is around and chill with that, otherwise the whole thing is not enjoyable… fish maybe? But you seem to miss a fundamental piece of understanding about pets, and that’s fine but why announce your position about something you just never got to experience? Envy? You know you could get a pet today. And it would be a friend. Most likely. And that feels good. It’s a very basic human emotion you are trying to discredit here. And I will stress again, if you want to, you can go and get a pet whenever. It’s not like being with other’s pets.
Ah come on. At first you gonna rob the house-animal of it’s basic functions. Like procreating. Then the dog goes on a leash, the cat (unless you just let it roam freely) is confined to your house. Then you’re the ultimate master of its fate. Not enough money for the extremely expensive operation needed? Euthanasia it is then. Do you feed it like it would feed itself? Or simply put, would you treat your kid the same like your dog? Does it receive the mystery-horror that is canned food? Oh and the food itself is (partly) a horribly murdered non-house-pet-animal. Doesn’t this one deserve your love and care too?
And btw I had pets once. Dogs and a cat actually. And I did everything for those lil shits up to the very last minute. But they were kinda “forced” onto me, I would never ever willingly get a pet. And however you might see this, to me it is no kind of “friendship”. It’s ownership. Literally and even legally speaking. I don’t like this concept.
Comment above is crazy but also, animals are not toys. It’s pretty crazy to want to own animals and make them live with you. Fortunately (idk) some animals co-evolved with us and became dependant of human farming/breeding/ownership
Having pets live with you is not (necessarily) the same as treating them like toys, though, is it?
No, of course
so like, you seriously look at stuff like this and don’t see the appeal? A small adorable fuzzball that obviously loves you, that doesn’t make you feel happy?
I never said I don’t like animals. I do pet them whenever I can and they want to. I really like interacting with any species and learn from it. But I, personally, don’t get anything else out of it, emotion-wise. The love of my wife makes me happy, because it’s a mutual feeling we can communicate about. The cat (or whichever else animal) does not “love” me. At best it tolerance or even likes my presence. That’s not inherently bad or anything, it just is and I wouldn’t lie to my it ain’t.
I could understand having a pet, but not taking in a random stray without question.
Some strange cat walks into my house? It gets plopped right back into the street, that ain’t my cat!
I took in a stray kitten that someone dumped at my work back in the fall. I wasn’t sure if i would keep her or not, but i felt obligated to clean her up and feed her while i figured out what to do with her. As soon as she started interacting with my other kitten, they became best friends and i couldn’t in good conscience seperate them.
Another friend of mine slowly took in a stray cat over the fourse of a summer. Leave out food for it of it hangs out around your house until it starts to nuzzle up against you. Then you can pet it, maybe pick it up, and then take it to a doctor to get it checked out.
It sounds to me though, that the other guy just doesn’t like animals.
I actually dunno what I would do, but I probably wouldn’t kick it out. I’d feed it and stuff, but ultimately won’t keep it.