I remember seeing people talk about the three body problem a while back, and in discussion about censorship someone brought up the book I’m talking about. If i remember right it wasn’t censored, but it involved like, conspiracy plots (fictional I mean) and corruption in the cpc (not systemic though). I also think it’s either an adaptation or at least has tbe same name as an American novel with a similar plot.
Sorry if that’s not enough information, I’m not gonna cry or anything if I can’t find it. I’m just curious.
Could it be “In the Name of the People”?
It’s a TV show presenting how China’s government apparatus prosecutes corrupt officials: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Name_of_the_People_(TV_series)
You can watch it with English subtitles here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJpCdaWK6PVpeWbeUSjw4dBWt5IKK5Buj
Huh, even if it isn’t what I’m looking for it looks good. I might check it out
It might be, but at the same time it’s not ringing any bells. It does fit all the criteria though, the only issue is that I’m pretty sure the American book and Chinese book had a similar plot, which isn’t existent in this case.
But then again, my memory isnt great, so it might be it. Thank you for trying though