This is pretense to intrude on other things and more importantly remove the ability to browse pornography anonymously, which is dangerous. I would never use an account to browse a porn site because why would I ever want that data linked back to me? Look at the government right now. You watch a gay or trans porn video and in a few years that could be grounds for never being able to have certain types of jobs or worse, being deemed a “miscreant”
If this was truly about protecting children they would encourage open dialogue on sex in homes and increase inclusive sex education. This is evidence based. It would still be necessary even with this nonsense because obviously vpns exist, as well as amateur run sites, sites run from outside of the USA, torrents, etc that don’t give a shit about us laws requiring age verification and will show all kinds of obscenely hardcore videos
KOSA would require age verification for these sites and social networking. Nationally.
Luckily the bill appears to be dead
I don’t care if kids see porn.
If that’s the worst thing ever, justifying this invasion of privacy, whoop de shit. Let 'em.
There’s a lot worse on the internet. There’s a lot worse on daytime television. Blood and guts and cults and informercials. Desirable crude entertainment is obviously not worth locking down the internet. I mean for fuck’s sake, at least with “four horsemen” excuses, like terrorism and money laundering, people agree that those things are bad.
It’s absolutely reprehensible that you think it’s okay for a child to see an infomercial
The thing is that by now, plenty of adults grew up watching porn when they were minors, and know that this hasn’t been harmful to them… so why are we even still getting laws like that, shouldn’t voters and their representatives know better by now…
These people are not results-oriented.
I’m stealing that for the next time I have to explain that I’m being held up by a third party not doing what they’re supposed to.
They are. Their intended result is just not the result they claim to want.
It’s old white fossils trying to stay in power by getting crazy christians to vote for them.
What about addiction? It’s not 100% but very possible
Being on porn sites all day is healthier than being on social media all day.
I’d disagree.
I mean, blood pressure and prostate health alone…
Sure, but thats not from porn, thats from jerking off. You should be able to do that without porn.
And you can live on food without spices.
What about it? Hell of a lot lore likely with caffeine and we don’t make you age verify when a kid buys coffee or tea or soda. If addiction occurs, that’s the jurisdiction of medical professionals and the person’s support network.
OK, so we should require everyone to present ID for anything that could be addictive? That’s some awful “save the kids” BS. Screw that!
If you want to prevent your kids from watching porn, cool, do that. But don’t force everyone else to ID themselves because you’re too lazy to actually parent your kids.
I was never exposed to porn on the internet as a child, outside of advertisements and typing website names wrong. I never looked for it either, if a child is actively seeking it out, its up to a parent to deal with it. People should stop making laws to protect bad parents.
its up to a parent to deal with it
What a nice cherry on top of the hypocrisy pie. The party of “personal responsibility” and “small government” is perfectly happy when government is used to regulate sexuality and help out the irresponsible parents that don’t want to spend time monitoring their children’s Internet usage. Now young teens are going to learn how to use VPNs or just find the shadier sites that don’t give a shit about U.S. state laws.
Both of which would be adequately addressed by parents learning how to use the tools that are probably already built into their router.
Exactly. Screw everyone on both sides of the aisle that thinks this is anywhere near a good idea.
If you hate porn, be vocal about tools to block stuff you don’t like on your own network. Maybe even require ISPs to distribute that info to their customers. But don’t force anyone to do it.
Yes, you’re right. But that doesn’t fit with their “think of the children” moral compass. Which isn’t even pointing the correct direction, but good luck convincing them of that.
I feel like my compass analogy isn’t the best, but eh.
A valid response to “think of the children” is “fuck them kids.”
It’s not enough to politely disagree. Some fucks need to be dismissed.
I like this
Let me child see porn or trust a porn site with their photo and IS?
Soon they’ll start recording you jerking it to cross reference with previous sessions as identity confirmation.
Well, they know what parts of what videos you watch, your favorite keywords, time/days patterns, location, I’d say they can train AI on that data
ChatGPT will be drawing conclusions from the data like “Subject is likely a tipthumbing twister (86.436% confidence) with content dependent high frequency intervals (94.738% confidence)”
It’ll analyze things like minor mouse movements, microphone audio, and use that wifi radar trick.
Biometric Orgasm face photo lol
Guilty Canadian Admission:
In my teens I lived in Brockville Ontario near Ogdensburg New York and watched a lot of US channels. The Star Spangled Banner came on at the beginning of the broadcast day for some channels.
For many years, I thought the first line was “Jose can you see”
When I was a kid I thought the “for which it stands” in the national anthem was in reference to a country called “witchistan”, which was presumably full of witches.
I think Jose is from Witchistan
Bonus points if your name is Jose.
I accidentally came up with a Minnesotan version: “Oh hey, can you see”
“Verification is carried out by 3rd party”. Totally no potential to misuse of collected data.
Why no, they specifically mentioned it being highly secure
See the lock icon near the URL? It says you’re secure so don’t worry bro.
Well at least it’s not going to the federal government so it should be somewhat safe
The third party has a very secure agreement to very securely sell data to 572 advertising partners and that is very securely being bought by the FBI.
Not that outlandish, since the FBI and the US police already buys advertising data streams to get access to data they are prohibited to collect directly.
It’s so bad there are already middlemen who buy data and compile it into products for law enforcement.
You forgot to mention that of course 253 of the 572 advertising partners consider their use to be a ‘legitimate interest’ under privacy legislation despite being nothing even close.
Isn’t ‘Legitimate interest’ a EU thing?
If it was last administration I’d say it’s just slightly annoying that our day was going to the federal government. But it’s admin…maybe not
Make sure you cum on your ID first as tribute.
Hey the cum can be anywhere. It doesn’t say “only” a picture of your face.
For example, why not put a mirror on a table. Put your ID next to the mirror. Look down into the mirror and ready your camera. Then, slap your dick right on the table next to the ID. Finally, banana for size.
That sounds like a chicken and egg problem. How is the cum getting on the ID before accessing the porn? If you use another means, surely you will no longer be in the mood for accessing a porn site…
Whenever someone says, “who cares, proton VPN is free,” I get a bit sadder. If Proton ever drops the free tier, honestly? I’ll understand. Because God knows, seeing people who can’t be fucked to give a damn about open access to information using costly infrastructure to watch their shitty porn, I might’ve just cut it already.
Florida 🤝 UK
Ridiculous and archaic anti-porn laws
Does the UK have anti porn laws? Can’t say that being very effective, since I appear to be circumventing them without intending to.
Fortunately, this is easy to work around, just get a VPN hosted in a didn’t different state or country.
We have something similar here in Utah, so I have a WiFi network that is always connected to a VPN in a neighboring state. If something isn’t accessible, I just swap WiFi networks and I’m good.
So what who cares. VPNs cost money and this is a question of basic freedom.
There are free VPNs as well, such as Proton’s free tier, or Tor. So you’ve got options.
But yes, I absolutely agree that this shouldn’t be necessary. My point is that it’s largely unenforceable if you put in a tiny amount of effort.
Free porn is basic freedom?
The porn is just the first place they start, their plan is to label anything lgbt as pornographic and require a similar process to view basic educational content. This is how they get around the 1st amendment.
Oh yeah I do see the slippery slope of this whole deal, the only thing that irked me was the wording of this comment as if xhamster is a basic human freedom, but I find that a little odd since xhamster and pornhub steal from sex workers to provide it “for free” y’know.
But with the banning of books and trans people unable to get in or out of the country… It is fucked up and scary.
Seems like it became so, yea
But it’s more a question of anonymity / privacy while doing those things
infinite porn is basic freedom
I mean yes? It’s just videos of naked people…
Honestly, these laws are just gonna hurt old men in Republican states. Like, I grew up with piracy, torrents, and old school forums. These educated me on computers enough that I made a career out of it. And most of that computer knowledge was gained because I wanted to see big tittied women sit on each other’s faces. These laws don’t stop horny teens from accessing porn. It just makes them better at it.
And this is definitely not one of the cases of “oh it’ll reduce numbers overall though”. No the fuck it won’t. It’s porn. They’re gonna access it. Literally every YouTuber they watch is sponsored by a VPN.
The only healthy thing to do is actually talking to your kids about porn. Educating them on its potential harms. But Republicans don’t ever want to talk to their kids. Ironically, these “drain the swamp” people just want daddy government to “prevent” their kids from accessing it. Which these laws don’t do.
These laws don’t stop horny teens from accessing porn. It just makes them better at it.
Exactly. And it punishes the responsible sites that follow the law and drives people to the sketchier sites that don’t.
If you want more viruses and identity theft, I guess this is a good law for you.
Yep. If these red states actually cared about kids they’d care about proper sex education. But I think this stuff just proves that Republicans are afraid of sex. They had an awkward conversation about it with their dad once and have been leaving their wives unsatisfied for 30 years since. They have no idea what to do if their kid actually came home from school and asked them what the difference between a clitoris and a vagina was. They are absolutely afraid of the female body and it’s why they try to control it so much.
Sorry. A bit of a rant. If this was a different conversation I’d have plenty to criticize about the sex industry too. But these conservatives don’t have enough brain cells to actually talk about the problems with it. So we have old men making laws that do nothing but make them feel better. Or it’s projection for their own porn addiction.
My money is on projection.
Column A and Column B for sure
Honestly, these laws are just gonna hurt old men in Republican states.
You know I think a lot more of their politics and general life outlook makes more sense when you understand that probably a lot of these super old guys are not computer literate enough to look up their niche fetishistic porn interests, and are probably still consuming porn the old fashioned way, which is becoming increasingly nonexistent even though it’s still something that actually exists. Plus the propagation of morally puritanical values means that if they kept any of that material around at all, they’d be hypocrites, so they can’t have that. Probably a lot of these dudes are walking around super pent up and sexually frustrated, I’d bet.
We need to introduce local community college and library courses to teach these elderly boomers how to goon
I think your theory is partially correct. But I think it’s just as likely they are gooners themselves. I feel like porn addiction (gooning) is more prolific which people that have reactionary beliefs. My theory is that their political leanings are a counter to their actual actions. I don’t think the gooner needs “material” to goon to. I think in it’s absence it will happen through a Macy’s magazine etc.
It’s similar almost to priest being the most common pedos. I think these types of conservative/reactionary ideologies just create sexual suppression that manifest in addictive behavior. This is not to say that all conservatives are pedos. But to say that those beliefs combined with sexual suppression often creat these extremes. Whether it be addiction to gooning (outside of their access to goon material) or otherwise.
Idk. I just think that it’s an unhealthy relationship with sexuality that any generation can fall pray to. But it’s happens more often based on the circumstances of each individual/generation. And it’s why it seems to be so extreme in both boomers and recent generations. They both are experiencing extreme economic material conditions/contradictions.
It’s similar almost to priest being the most common pedos.
Pedos tend to aggregate around any job that will give them trusted or unrestricted access to children. The suppression you’re talking about in this case isn’t just from religion, but permeates all of society. Like, they can’t even hypothetically leave the church and move somewhere more liberal where their desire for kid fucking isn’t being suppressed. At least not until the weird libertarian crypto-bros who oppose age of consent manage to create such a place.
About time to invest in a VPN
Yet another republican tax increase.
Eh, I see it as a necessity in the modern age, it’s politically agnostic for me. I run a full time VPN as a matter of privacy and security.
VPN doesn’t really do anything for security, and it only really gives you privacy from your ISP. They’re very much over-marketed by VPN companies.
It absolutely does provide security on a public WiFi network.
Not really.
If your browser is properly configured, it’ll recognize a MITM attack, so you’ll know if your traffic is properly encrypted because it checks root certs against a known good set. The only concern is domain name leakage (both from DNS and SNI), but that’s a privacy thing, not a security thing. DoH fixes the DNS issue, so consider that for a low hanging fruit privacy win.
If you’re accessing things outside a browser… don’t do that on public WiFi unless you can confirm it verifies certificates.
Depends on how much other media you consume. If you’re forced to get a VPN anyway I bet you’re more likely to start looking into pirating everything else, too
With Meta officially saying that leeching is totally okay as long as you’re not seeding, go for it.
But you should totally seed and be a good citizen though.
Ive had mullvad on my router for 2 years :p
God bless that mole
Will porn be the straw that broke the mountain’s back?
This will never be removed. There will only ever going to be more types of websites that have to use this
It’s a lubed slope
I wonder if that’ll end up being true. I’d guess these constituents represent voters that watch porn at least as much on average as anyone else. I’m going to go ahead and guess above average. They might get tired of this and push for change. But I’m also admittedly less educated on how our political system works than I should be and might be overestimating how much influence Florida Man has because he’s disgruntled at having to jump through hurdles to fap.
This is a great opportunity to learn how to use a VPN! I’m in a blue state so haven’t needed one yet, but the time is definitely coming.
Yup, my red state pulled this nonsense, so I made a WiFi network that connects to a VPN for you in a less stupid state. If I get blocked somewhere, I just change WiFi networks.
May he enjoy the sweet freedom of USA!