Either this, or convert it to a board for religions in general. Catholism has decreased over the decades and what were once insignificant religions in the west have come up to be quite prominent. From Judaism to Islam, even religions from further to the east like Hinduism and Buddhism have become quite prominent in their own rights lately. To ignore them entirely while maintaining a Catholic board just isn’t right.
Either get rid of it, or make it more inclusive. No way public money should go to such an exclusive club in this day and age.
It’s highly debatable whether much money would be saved by eliminating the Catholic school boards. Even in rural/low population areas, there isn’t that much duplication of services or schools under capacity that would be fixed by merging. And there’s some argument that the two boards create a competition for students.
I will admit, I’m biased because I went to Catholic school and had a good experience. If I ever have children, I’ll probably send them to Catholic school, but they’re also the better board academically in my area, and are not that religiously crazy. Some Catholic boards in Ontario are just vile! If we were setting up a school system from scratch, of course we’d wouldn’t include a Catholic system, but we have to start where we’re at.
I do feel the Catholic school boards should be dismantled. Religion has no place in a public school unless it’s for educational purposes.
The money saved could better fund the 1 school board.
1 French public 1 English public
No more Catholic. You could better populate schools and close down ones and sell the land or repurpose for buildings no longer in use.
My thoughts anyways.
We’d tear out all the other school boards that shouldn’t be there.
Either this, or convert it to a board for religions in general. Catholism has decreased over the decades and what were once insignificant religions in the west have come up to be quite prominent. From Judaism to Islam, even religions from further to the east like Hinduism and Buddhism have become quite prominent in their own rights lately. To ignore them entirely while maintaining a Catholic board just isn’t right.
Either get rid of it, or make it more inclusive. No way public money should go to such an exclusive club in this day and age.
You might like this video: Sandra Dunham asks: Why does Canada give $5.6 billion annually to religious charities?
Thanks for this. I’ll watch it after the liberal debate is over shortly.
It’s highly debatable whether much money would be saved by eliminating the Catholic school boards. Even in rural/low population areas, there isn’t that much duplication of services or schools under capacity that would be fixed by merging. And there’s some argument that the two boards create a competition for students.
I will admit, I’m biased because I went to Catholic school and had a good experience. If I ever have children, I’ll probably send them to Catholic school, but they’re also the better board academically in my area, and are not that religiously crazy. Some Catholic boards in Ontario are just vile! If we were setting up a school system from scratch, of course we’d wouldn’t include a Catholic system, but we have to start where we’re at.