Countries around the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy, according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Research Communications.
Golf sucks, we should eliminate it. Recycle the land into multiple uses, e.g. housing, green/park space (which it currently isn’t), commercial space, and if the course is located in such a place where it makes sense to put a solar farm (not too close to dense housing), solar. It need not all be one thing.
Realistically, this won’t happen in most places without a lot of other stuff happening first. But if we see it, that would be frickin’ awesome.
For normal people, just start to de-normalize it as a pass time, disk golf is a good alternative that requires less space and usually coexists with nature.
Golf sucks, we should eliminate it. Recycle the land into multiple uses, e.g. housing, green/park space (which it currently isn’t), commercial space, and if the course is located in such a place where it makes sense to put a solar farm (not too close to dense housing), solar. It need not all be one thing. Realistically, this won’t happen in most places without a lot of other stuff happening first. But if we see it, that would be frickin’ awesome. For normal people, just start to de-normalize it as a pass time, disk golf is a good alternative that requires less space and usually coexists with nature.