When considering the privacy credentials of an android app, I would usually search for reviews by well-known privacy advocates or recommendations from common privacy websites. However, with DroidFS I am unable to find much information and no recommendations from common sites. The little information I can find is that it is an efficient, easy-to-use implementation of gocryptfs and cryfs for android. This is what I am looking for but was wondering whether anyone had any further insight on the app from a privacy point of view please.
How private, meaning trackers and stuff? Here 's this. Btw, why does it need camera?
If you meant “how secure”, that mainly depends on gocryptfs and cryfs.
Thanks for this. It is very helpful. To be honest, I had forgotten about Exodus.
I think it needs camera and microphone in case you want to take photos and video and save directly to an encryted volume. That is not in my use case so I will just deny those permissions.
I’m also curious, I’m not a programmer so I can’t understand the code, so I hope some nerd on Lemmy can go and take a look at the code 😉
(nerd is a complement btw)
Even competent programmers cannot look at an app in an afternoon and determine if it’s safe, apart from the most glaringly obvious issues
DroidFS does not have Internet permission so any data exfiltration is prevented at the OS level.
Thanks. I had noted the lack of internet permission as a positive. I guess that I was just puzzled at the lack of coverage within the community. Maybe the app simply hasn’t been around long enough to attract the attention it seems to warrant. Or maybe I am being overcautious.