Google continues its rollout of gradually disabling uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in the Chrome web browser as part of its efforts to push users to Manifest V3-based extensions.
Google continues its rollout of gradually disabling uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in the Chrome web browser as part of its efforts to push users to Manifest V3-based extensions.
Firefox sucks
It is the best we have
It actually works well for me and I love having it on my phone since ad block works there… that was a life changing addition.
What problem(s) are you running into that makes you say it sucks?
Privacy and freedom nightmare plus Mozilla isn’t exactly confidence inspiring.
how long have you been using it? At first it was the worst browser I had used because everything was slightly different and I couldn’t find settings, however over time my brain did a 180° and now chromium is really weird to me (I’m one of those people who hate UI change)
Unless you’re talking about compatibility and in which case, yeah that’s fair.
The problem is privacy
It is packed full of telemetry and ads out of the box.
in that case there’s several options:
harden yourself:
pre hardened:
idk, just spitting options:
or hell even:
Librewolf works pretty well for me. However, I wish that resist fingerprinting had mode fine grained controls than just on and off. I want to be able to create some fine grained exceptions for a site.