I am just trying to process that people are heating up coffee in the microwave 😳
How do you heat up coffee?
I don’t! I drink it cold like a real woman!
Jokes aside, the thought of reheated coffee makes my skin crawl for some reason lol
You are unironically correct. Cold (black) coffee is still great and reheated coffee tastes horrible.
I disagree, but I think people are WAY too snobby about coffee in general. I drink cheap coffee with soy milk, warm, cold, reheated. It’s all the same.
You do you. I taste the difference.
When drinking black (especially on a regular basis), you’re going to notice the finer details of the actual flavor of the coffee, especially bitterness (or the lack thereof).
When you drink coffee with shittons of cream and sugar, that covers up essentially all of the bitterness, and makes a lot of the intricacies of coffee disappear.
I find the same thing goes with chocolate. A nice, 80+% dark chocolate will have a much more complex and rich flavor to me than, say, a milk chocolate (even a high quality milk chocolate). The bitterness is a big reason why. It leaves this amazing aftertaste that I can never get enough of.
Why are you telling me, lol? ^^
Yeah. Good coffee should taste good even when it’s cold.
My solution: have a single cup that you have to find and clean before you can have a fresh cup of coffee.
Also: don’t be hard on yourself because of these things. It’s how your brain works, it makes it you.
Great, two coffees for me to drink! I am such a nice person, I made my future self a present.
The red cup to the other red cup: “Hello again, Frank…”
Tea, but same.
I always use the same cup and whenever I can’t find it it’s because it’s still in the microwave
Everybody here needs to see Triangle (2009). <br>
I most often find food, I actually drink the coffee most of the time
The saddest thing is finding some leftovers you were looking forward to enjoying forgotten in the microwave
I know… I love food and have a huge thing for not wasting food too
And this is why do cold brew. Worst that can happen is that I forget that I have it in the fridge
It tastes better, too. I just wish I had a good way to make it at home.
All you need is a french press and they’re pretty cheap. You just put the coffee and water in the fridge overnight 8-10h and it’s good by morning. Way better than regular coffee imo. I’m sure there’s snobbier ways to make cold brew but I value simplicity
Gonna second the French Press in the Fridge method. It’s the one that works best for me; cleanup is pretty easy, and the only problem is trying to fit it in the fridge without fully depressing the plunger.
I drink the room temp coffee as my punishment. Sometimes I’ll even drink yesterday’s cup, too.
Sometimes I read these kinds of memes and think to myself: “Phew, I’m doing p good, still!”
I’m sorry for your coffee, OP.
Lol I sometimes microwave something, then FORGET TO EAT IT 😭
(I have not ever been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD)
Clearly you just don’t need the coffee, so you might as well just save that money.
I almost spit out my coffee from this meme!
What I started doing was setting timers for things like that. A timer when the coffee is ready to drink could work for example.