Anyone got ruse plans? Here’s mine

>Buy new shirt
>Don’t let roommates know
>Go on vacation to place with a landmark, like New York
>Take photo in front of Statue of Liberty wearing new shirt
>Go back and tell roommates you went somewhere else
>Wait a few weeks
>Tell your roommates you just got a new shirt and show it to them
>Say you’re going on vacation to New York
>Actually stay in your room
>Lock door, turn lights off, be silent
>Send photo of you in front of Statue of Liberty with new shirt to roommate
>One night, sneak out into the bathroom
>Shit in the shower
>Go back to your room and wait
>Next day, roommates think it was each other
>Come out and say you just got back
>Normies would never expect someone to actually go to New York just to get away with shitting in the shower
>Enjoy as your roommates argue with each other for shitting in the shower

    10 months ago

    Yeah, your roommate will be embarrassed when he’s caught entering your room, but you’ll have to explain why you’re sitting silently in a dark room covered in shit.