Of course we are. Hope that clears it up.
It’s not as if there are positive things to say about it.
I’m positive that they’re a bunch of fuck-nutters
Something something first amendment lawsuit if they ever do more than collect the information.
inb4 founding fathers got it right the first time, we’re striking all amendments from the record.
Yeah fuck ice. Immigrants built this country, all before there was a “right away” to become a citizen. It’s unfortunate that they did it after (or while committing) a genocide, but that doesn’t excuse their current bullshit. You want to arrest someone from another country? Start with President Elon “Trump is my bottom bitch” Musk.
These college dropouts can go fuck themselves.
ICE’s leaders are listed at https://ice.gov/leadership, sure would be a shame if something terrible happened to them.
Except for like one face they all look like textbook bad guys.
Yes, Yes I am.
Next question.