Does the pattern hold all the way? I.e is the root cause actually ease of access to info? Did reliance on the internet and the information age also cause declines in critical thinking? Should kids be raised without computers? I guess I’m asking what it is about ai specifically that causes the deteriortion?
Because AI solves problems where as the Internet is, for the most part, just books. However, for apps that solve problems, they do cause a loss in some forms of thinking. Mapping programs cause a loss in navigational awareness unless specifically countered with deliberate behavior.
Does the pattern hold all the way? I.e is the root cause actually ease of access to info? Did reliance on the internet and the information age also cause declines in critical thinking? Should kids be raised without computers? I guess I’m asking what it is about ai specifically that causes the deteriortion?
Because AI solves problems where as the Internet is, for the most part, just books. However, for apps that solve problems, they do cause a loss in some forms of thinking. Mapping programs cause a loss in navigational awareness unless specifically countered with deliberate behavior.