A while ago I talked about the Dutch socdem coalition Green/Labour and their party programme, which included a two state solution for Palestina, more money to NATO among other things.

Today the far right party FVD made their programme available, and it includes… peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, deprofitization of healthcare, political asylum to Assange and Snowden (not Manning, though, she’s trans after all), removal from EU and NATO.

MFW a far right party has LESS imperialist talking point than the ‘hope of the left’ lmao. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still fascist talks of anti-LGBTQ+ stuff and all. But fucking hell Dutch left get your shit together.

  • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s unfortunately common and has been going on for a while. As “left” parties abandon the class struggle or anti-imperialism the far-right picks it up. What differentiates socdem parties from liberal parties these days? At least the liberals are consistent. The socdems will stab you in the back and claim they’re doing acupuncture. They have nothing special that sets them apart, they’re like all other parties with the same policies (austerity is good for you sweaty 😊 type), they’re just marginally better sometimes when they feel like it.

    And it’s a failure of communist parties in Europe too to have been coopted by this same milquetoast brain rot after 1991 and abandoning all revolutionary points. Now for the most part we serve to bring the socdems, who have bigger parties, back to the left when they want to liberalize something.

  • NothingButBits@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Don’t forget that it’s the far-right. They are extreme demagogues, they will easily backtrack on any policy they currently defend.

  • olgas_husband@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    that is incredibility dangerous. i watch a guy that consistently says that the european fascists are the nationalism vanguard, criticizing the war and so on, while the progressive field (moderate right to lib left) gave up completely on nationalism are uncritically supporting every bs usa puts then to, like supporting the war while european economy goes to shit.

    now im seeing his claims be confirmed.

  • Life2Space@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s been like this ever since the First World War, especially now. It is the right-wing—not the left-wing—that is interested in economic self-sufficiency and derailing away from the transatlantic partnership. This is the case, especially in Germany, where many people are upset with the transatlantic status quo and are voting for parties, like the Alternative for Germany (AfD), instead.

      • Life2Space@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I thought that AfD is rapidly gaining popularity among the masses because the party calls for a more independent foreign policy away from NATO, such as re-strengthening relationships with Russia and China, as well as distancing Germany from the US. Please excuse me if I am mistaken.

    • According to them LGBT politics is the litmus test for morally right or wrong

      i mean, kind of? yes? but it’s not like be all end all either. supporting queer rights and being anti-imperialist aren’t mutually exclusive. i don’t get why they don’t understand this.

        • what do you mean by “LGBT agenda” then? because that’s reich-wing language you’re using.

          also, no one said anything about NGOizing queer rights or combining it with neoliberalism - i was talking about the western left/commie parties.

          but they associate LGBT with pro neoliberal parties that’s the problem .

          religious bias can also come to play. orthochristians especially aren’t known to be the most supportive when it comes to queer rights. i swear, there’s probably like 1 progressive orthochristians for every 100,000 progressive muslims, that’s how fucking reactionary it comes off as.

            • alunyanners 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Whatever, I don’t have neither time and energy to spend with an inobservant, stupid piece of shit infiltrator like you. All I will say is this: If you’ve been even remotely observant, you’ll notice that I literally come from the fucking Global South - same place where you’re from. Matter of fact, I still am in a global southern country; and neither is English my first language. Sorry that not everyone in the global south behaves and acts in the exact same fucking manner as you do, that is being a dogmatic, bigoted goddamn reactionary that wants to “annhilate” all queer people.

              Not a single thing you’ve listed is in any way shape or form related to our argument. But then again, reactionaries like you weren’t born with a brain, but a fucking projector.

              About Muslims: You haven’t met shit. I personally know some muslims who are all in on queer rights. Also, “Western LGBT Movement” lmao, goes to show you how well you know about Queer History. Westerners have been the ones to kill off queer culture in the global south in the past, sweetie.

              Also, today I learnt Marxism is when you dominate GSRM people. Good to know. I fucking knew I shouldn’t have tried to maintain a facade of nice and civility when dealing with scum like you. At this point I’m convinced anyone who’s even remotely critical of queer movements and rights in any way shape or form is a fucking reactionary infiltrator hiding behind a cover. So thank you so much for showing me the light. Do all of us a favor and never show your filthy fash-bootlicking fucking face here ever again.

              Scratch a “critic of queer rights” and a reactionary shows his face. So much for me “living in my own bubble”.

                • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  I think they mainly took offense to your use of “LGBT Agenda” which is a very common far right and reactionary dogwhistle. I don’t know if you meant it in that way but a lot of people on here are queer, and it can be pretty offensive to go slinging that stuff around. Simple clarification on what you meant when you said that was all that was needed, not a shit slinging contest.

        • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          It is definitely infuriating that the mainstream queer movement has been hijacked by liberals but the queer community is not to blame for this.

  • huisjesmelk@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    perhaps there’s still a little hope left with Bij1 if Rebekka takes over. they were the only ones alongside Forum to vote in favour of a motion for independent inquiry into the Nord Stream 2 attacks. however a couple months later they did vote in favour of declaring the soviet famine a genocide so I wouldn’t put that much money on them being sufficient anytime soon.

    • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      This reeks of the *Russian shill *crap that online teens accuse people of when they’re making excuses for fascist Ukraine. Leaving the EU and NATO are rational this to do that would benefit everyone who didn’t want to be nuked for American interests.