I was taught when I was young that you don’t call something that isn’t really genocide genocide, someone that isn’t a nazi a nazi, etc. because it dilutes the meaning of the word. I do think that Israel is committing a genocide, and I do think that Musk is a neo-nazi; I’m not diluting these terms to say this.
And calling critisim of israel anti-semetic dilutes the meaning of that word.
Which, funny enough, is exactly what Nazis want.
I would say he’s a fascist rather than a neo-nazi, but that’s very much a distinction without a difference.
He did a sieg heil at a political rally and repeated the word “victory” twice in his speech. Hes spoken at a German far right rally and told them to get over their guilt for the holocaust and to be proud of being German. He signal boosts neo-nazi’s on his social media.
He’s a neo-nazi.
Thing is, awful things are happening so often that people are just getting tired of hearing the word regardless of how serious the issues are, and how much more serious they keep getting.
That’s true. So I think we need to come up with cleverer ways to make people see Musk as a threat. Just because he is a Nazi doesn’t mean pointing at him and crying wolf is the best way to fight.
Respectful disagree. People raised now, particularly Americans, exist in a bubble of ignorance and relative safety, often finding it hard to believe a certain kind of danger is happening right up until the last minute. A gunman isn’t really firing an automatic weapon at my workplace is he? What, like in Die Hard? That jet isn’t about to hit my apartment building with a missile right? What is this, a Call of Duty game? Are Russians really waging psychological war on democracies around the world? Like in a Tom Clancy novel?
Stop disassociating. Stop denying. He seig heiled twice. The people who don’t want to believe that are in serious danger and need to be shaken lucid. Like, pfft, what is this, one of those Wolfenstein reboots? These fictional worlds drew inspiration from somewhere. They were our ways to cope and make stacks off the pain and fear that preceeded them. It isn’t playing wolf. Reality will rip your throat out in the woods.
ah, the before times.
Now they’re the guys with their arms in the air. pretty hard to miss.
This is exactly what I was thinking. You don’t need to employ any tricks right now, they’re pretty open about it.
Nazis, plural. Where there’s one Nazi, there’s guaranteed multiple more hiding nearby.
Like roaches, except more skeevy.
and less clean
Sane weird breeding fetish though
I really want to remember the name of a program/skit from Germany, where a man complains about nazi soldiers putting up a nazi poster outside his house’s wall, then a Gestapo officer comes along, “Why are you calling them nazis? Just because you disagree doesn’t mean they’re nazis”"
Yes! Thank you!
Good to sort any pedantic or bad faith arguments out now. Pedantry didn’t win the day to stave off WWII and that shit caught on quick. Let’s get ahead of that this time.
I strongly suggest following him on Mastodon.
Replies to his posts are among the most useful tools you can have to get a good blocklist going.
Yeah, no.
In about as progressive as can be, but I’m not in favor of every dumb idea just because “it’s a left idea”. We live in the real world too, yet I’ve been called a Nazi multiple times for not fully agreeing with every tiny detail.
It’s that exact attitude that had been pushing many people to the right, please stop doing that.
I’m against everything trump, pretty much everything what the Republican party has to offer, I can even see that Luigi has a good point that needs addressing, but at the same time I would like space to discuss items, or plain disagree with something. This space is omething that has disappeared since long time ago. I get it, but this is what trump wanted to begin with, create a “you’re with ur or against us” atmosphere.
You have to be able to disagree with certain individual things or if not you’re just in yet another fascist system.
Let the down votes come. Calls for being reasonable are very unpopular these days
I’m as progressive as can be!
Every single time.
You‘re a hero
Thank you for doing that legwork.
Thank you. Nobody who is actually progressive becomes a nazi because someone was mean to them on the internet. That’s just fascist BS to get others to “be reasonable”.
What little detail was it?
Nazis are pathetic, weak little losers who deserve to be mocked and humiliated. That’s really all you need to say. Nazis need to feel powerful and superior, because they’re actually pitiful and spineless, so call them out for what they are and you beat your Nazi allegations.
On the other hand, Nazis thrive under “enlightened centrism”, “all sides are the same”, “tolerate everyone even the intolerant” so don’t do that if you aren’t a Nazi.
Bye nazi scum
Are there variations to this one cool trick? Like does (1.1′) calling any group of people Nazis, and (1.2′) telling them to go fuck themselves work the same as (1)? What are the limits to this incredibly faultless procedure? Inquiring minds want to know.
… you’re dancing ah awfully fine like here friend