Finally, tex-mex can simply be called mexican food.
Damnit, now I live in Canada and work in Mexico.
Same. But at least we’re close to the border.
California, Oregon, Washington and BC all need to be united under one country. Cascadia :)
Hello from northern Cascadia.
Mexico can have Idaho.
Move that green up, I need better tacos.
Can we split California? Northern Cal just seems like it should be Canadian honestly.
Can we tilt it a bit, maybe let Mexico have Oregon and Idaho and let Canada have Georgia and Florida? Canadians need a place to hit the beach in the winter without needing a passport, and some Mexicans would love to move somewhere where it never got hot. Plenty of Canadian retirees already live in Florida part time.
This is a fair approach.
The US seems to be killing itself; give it a couple more months and we’ll just have to walk down to the border and shake hands with our new Amigos.
Yo, real talk,
Don’t take Missouri. Trust me on that one.
Please make Colorado a unified zone. I need maple syrup and tacos
Hey yo why the fuck am I still in the same country as the carolinas get that shit out of here
How about all of it just Canada?
If you want to see a vision of the future, imagine a bag of milk being poured on a human face - forever.
While it would be funny to watch the confusion of so many people over the milk bags, we have to remember our friends of a Mexico and Greenland. It’s in Canadian spirit to share with our friends, and to treasure them. Basically let’s just make it a fun little commune that’s kind of all of ours, while maintaining our own sovereign lands.
We want the white house though. We, uh, have this plan envisioned in our heads…
I could live with that.
Idk if I want the cartels having free roam of the us