From what I know, particles that have a mass greater than 0 move below the speed of light and can never reach it. Particles that have no mass (every force is transferred via particles) move at the speed of light. So there is no way to have anything that is faster than the speed of light, not even forces.
What about gravity? I know I read something about this once, but is gravity also limited to the speed of light?
Yep, it is. We’d stay in our orbit of the sun for 8 minutes after it vanished too
From what I know, particles that have a mass greater than 0 move below the speed of light and can never reach it. Particles that have no mass (every force is transferred via particles) move at the speed of light. So there is no way to have anything that is faster than the speed of light, not even forces.
But do we know that gravity is a force transfered by a particle yet?
Well we’ve detected gravitational waves arriving at the same time as the light associated with 2 black holes rapidly circling eachother.
But is a particle necessary for that?