Holy shit lol
I’m more than a decade into my engineering career. Nobody pushes directly to prod on my team, not even me. Everyone gets reviewed and tested.
I read this and cackled in public. Because my god, however bad you think this is, it’s way fucking worse. Idk what a reasonable reaction to this is but wow. Just wow. Fucking. Cooked.
Like member how everyone talked about graft in Russia resulting in funds meant for military maintenance being siphoned off the top instead of being used for what it was supposed to be used for? This is like that, except you don’t even have to have any excuses or anything, the money just… Disappears.
Edit: Have you ever seen a check from the US Treasury bounce? These fuckers boutta be rubber.
We told people to stop giving Brawndo to crops and now the economy computer failed. Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
what i think this really means is that the treasury was hacked a long time ago and marko is making changes that were already written beforehand….
otherwise this would be impossible.
they entered those systems like three days before significantly altering the code….You can absolutely push changes to a system that you don’t actually understand.
You might be right, but consider the alternative: “someone thinks that they’re so much smarter than the people who originally designed, implemented, and maintained a system integral to the functioning of modern society that they dismiss out of hand the idea of caution when dealing with it in situ.”
If someone of that description were in this situation, what do you suppose their behavior would be?
dude it’s not even written in a language this kid understands… he’s just implementing a patch other people wrote
No need you can just get an llm to convert your JavaScript into COBOL
good point
Musk robs the treasury blind then Trump pardons him. Biggest heist ever.
He also works 18 hours a day and sleeps on a cot in his office. That’s how you know his work is always flawless.
I worked as a developer in electronic payments for 5 years and we had to go through a months long process to certify the code with the financial system. My bosses were paranoid of any changes I made (to a silly degree) and we had a silly amount of automated tests.
We were a small startup with an underpaid staff and I’m not sure if more than 1000 people used our software. What they’re doing is completely reckless.
Back door to US government on sale on the black market for the highest bid.
He will probably leak it on discord dedicated to some treasury game to win an argument against some 12 year old.
Holy fuck.
I thought this was an onion article
Pushing code directly to Prod in a payments system handling trillions of $ is going to end in an almighty bang…
Heads up if you get a lot of tech news/discussion from HN they appear to be heavily censoring submissions along these lines.
Do you mean Hacker News?
Wasn’t this the plot to one of the Die Hards. Except they just went in and did it.
Nice, clearly this guy did well in college, I’d totally hire him for all my financial and secure resource needs (/s)
If they completely break the payments system, does that mean government employees stop getting paid?
Like no more federal government? No more ICE? No more military? No more FBI?
It means all of a sudden you have a lot of well armed and well connected people out of a job, while probably the US dollar becomes worthless as a currency. If you live in the US and havent though about owning a weapon, now would be the time to quickly get one. You never know when the currency becomes worthless and police will demand all your food reserves at gunpoint.
Einstein was also young though so maybe these guys…ahh they’re so fooked
that will prove very lucrative to the industrious hacker in the third world.
I think the worst thing that could happen is capitalism continuing to function as “normal”.