I’m assuming this post was made by an American, and laws might vary where you are, but the point remains the same in every country: the cops are there to serve the state, not you, and they will not hesitate for a second to lie to you and pretend to be on your side to get what they need.
Don’t trust them, don’t believe them, don’t confide in them, don’t make their job of oppressing the working class easier.
ID: 8 images made by @thelaurrylife
1 7 Lies Cops Can Legally Tell You
2 Police can lie and say that a victim identified you in a photo.
3 Police can lie and say a conversation is “off the record” when it really isn’t.
4 Police can lie about being an officer
5 Police can lie to you about an accomplice confessing.
6 Police can lie and claim that your handprints or DNA were all over the evidence.
7 Police can lie and say you will get a lighter sentence if you confess.
8 Police can lie about their ability to get a search warrant.)
Any day where the cops want to talk to you is a good day to shut the fuck up.