Ford’s office made the announcement Monday and said the government is also banning other American companies from provincial contracts going forward
Finally some populism I can get behind.
This is the way. Canada should keep making these kinds of moves to hurt the oligarchs, not the country they claim to be part of.
Musk has proven his goal is to interfere with politics on a global level, not just here in the US.
Isnt a contract something that you get in trouble for ripping up and not paying? Like that’s the definition of a contract
What’s Elon going to do? March up there to Ontario and throw a tantrum on the steps of the capitol building? He can take them to court in Canada, but that would take years.
Depends on the contract and the clauses. We dont know what it says or how its worded.
Why wasn’t that published? Seems like the most important aspect of this story
If the penalty is less than the increased tarrifs then they’re still saving money
Tarifs on what? This is about goods being purchased from a US company
Canada will be more efficient without the Musk.
It is interesting to see that Canadian apathy has suddenly turned into a united stand for Canada.
I heard a 10 year old kid in the store yesterday, “Dad, can I get this? I checked , it is made in Canada”
It sucks it has come to this.
Doug Ford is a douche, but he is enough of a douche to not be politically correct in terms of relations with the USA.
I wish I was Canadian
I don’t, but that’s mostly because I like having very good Internet access and I’m European.
If I was USian, I’d wish I was Canadian.
What’s your Internet? I’ll you mine if your tell me yours.
I’m gigabit both directions and I could get as high as 3. I’ve heard they are testing 5 some areas. My 1gbit is around 90 of Canadian money. It’s fibre to my apt.
Your prices and speeds are far from what I hear being typical for Canada, but I’m paying 35 euros a month for 500 mbps symmetrical. Gigabit on the website is 73 euros. But that’s because I’m in an apartment built when the local monopoly was putting in fiber. Older buildings that were retrofitted later, as well as buildings that were built later, tend to have more providers available. There’s one that gives you 1 gig for 35 euros for the first year - and I know they’ll be amenable to keeping that arrangement later because you can just threaten to switch and they’ll cave. A third is giving out gigabit at 45 Euros for indefinite periods.
Do keep in mind, Estonia is plagued by a Telia monopoly. Other EU countries tend to have cheaper prices. Romania has so much competition, gigabit up/down is like 8 euros and I don’t think they offer speeds under 300 mbps apparently.
This is not typical for Canada.
It is in cities.
I’ll be honest, my experience is limited, but internet in Calgary is roughly equivalent to that of Los Angeles and is overpriced, but decent. Certainly not gigabits, but ~350/20 for ~$70/mo.
Many of us act like Americans from 10 years ago. Be careful what you wish for.
It is interesting to see that Canadian apathy has suddenly turned into a united stand for Canada.
American (and Canadian) politicians have fucked over Canada every step of the way for a long as I can remember but it was always done with the thinnest veneer of diplomacy to cover up the absolute disregard for an entire country’s population. This is the first time that a politician has been dumb enough to fuck over not only the people of Canada but also it’s oligarchs. Canada’s ruling class has decided it’s ok to revolt against our neighbour’s bad behaviour and so it’s being spun by the news and politicians as ‘Canadian Patriotism.’
edit: I see this is a bit controversial. I’m not saying that it is bad that, right now, Canadians are unified in identifying the bad guy and saying “no, you’ve gone to far.” I’m saying that we should have been saying this for years but our politicians, the rich people who direct them and the media companies that they own, have been actively stopping us up until now.
Nope. You can’t let trump bully us into becoming part of the USA. If this is what it takes for Canada to grow balls I’m all for it.
Ban X and Meta too.
Doug Ford is basically Julien getting out of jail and chasing Cyrus out of the trailer park.
And I’m all for it.
Hit them where it hurts. Their wallets!
Musk will sue them for boycotting him.
In Canadian court? Lmao
Like he cares about reality.
Just be precise, watch out for the ‘little guy’. It’s not sane US citizens doing this. We’re experiencing a coup over here, neighbor. And the sane ones are trying to figure out how to get back to being good neighbors, and stop the corporate coup. srsly.
I mean they voted for the cou. So yes it is Americans doing this. And I don’t care if they didn’t vote for this crowd they didn’t show up so yes they voted for this.
Trump won a majority, and the GOP won the house and senate. It’s not all US citizens, but if it’s not a majority, it’s close enough. Is it really a coup if it’s what the majority wanted?
This is hardly a new thing for the US. The world has seen the US elect Bush Jr, who alienated the world with his desire to invade Iraq. Remember Freedom Fries? At the same time that was going on, Canada, which did support the US when it invaded Afghanistan, said that Iraq was a bridge too far, and refused to participate in that. The result was the GOP drumming up anti-Canada hate, people boycotting Canadian products, etc. Then in the years since Bush, the US has elected Trump not once but twice. This is who you guys are now.
Nope, respectfully I disagree. It isn’t who I am, and it isn’t who anyone I associate with is. Have you ever considered that First Past The Post voting is incredibly problematic?
Yeah, FPTP sucks, but pretending “this isn’t who we are” is just sticking your head in the sand. If it isn’t who you are, you should probably move to a country that better reflects your values.
You might be right. Where do you suggest?
Depends on the languages you speak, what you do for work, whether you’re moving alone or with family, how much of a culture shock you could take, etc.
Yes, it does. I think I’ll stay where I am, thanks. There’s plenty of sand for me to stick my head in. Have a great day.
With all due respect, and I’m sorry to those who voted Kamala, this is our only option.
The only way Canada succeeds is when the American people are hurting enough that they push for change from the inside.
I’m very sorry to small honest US companies, but we don’t have the luxury of choice or leniency on this matter anymore.
Also this is the second time Trump has been elected. Whatever excuses people have, I can’t look at this as a one off or crazy event. I have to see this as the future of American diplomacy and how we can expect to be treated.
Also this is the second time Trump has been elected. Whatever excuses people have, I can’t look at this as a one off or crazy event. I have to see this as the future of American diplomacy and how we can expect to be treated.
tRump is not an aberration, the world is now seeing the USA with the mask dropped. Oligarchy is baked into the U.S. constitution, rich white males have ALWAYS held the power there, despite all the window dressing and PR campaigns. The county was founded on genocide, built on slavery and imperialism, they burned women at the stake for fuck’s sake. The slogan “Kill a Commie for Christ” is not just a bumper sticker for half of them, but a bucket list item.
Who would have thought you where founded by rich white men who didn’t want to pay taxes and your still ruled by them. I know you have fairy tales to tell you otherwise but…
They had to lay on the fairy tales quite thickly to get the proles to fight their war for them.
Let’s not get too high-and-mighty though.
For just one example, the reason BC’s old growth forests are something like 98% gone today is because a bunch of rich old white men sold off most of the forest-bearing land to… themselves and their friends. Canada had (and has) its own oligarch infestation.
I have to see this as the future of American diplomacy and how we can expect to be treated.
American exceptionalism and manifest destiny never went away.
They have been part of the American psyche for generations.
I understand. And of course my concerns are mostly aimed towards those, regardless of nationality who are less well off than myself. When I suggest one support local and small, I know that lessens both of our larger groupings (nations, corporations), at the same time it strengthens our smaller groupings (communities, neighborhoods, families). If you wish, you could buy bicycle parts from these small companies, regardless of location, for instance I just heard of a bike frame builder, Mone’ ( in Silver City, NM who runs his operation out of a van. If you look, you can find similar in your area. Together, supporting the small circles, we’ll move forward humanely. I feel your respect. And, hey, look at us, doing international relations, on a non-corporate federated social media. Nothing to feel sorry about in that. Peace.
Nothing against the guy making bikes in his van, but if anyone is looking for a good made in canada bike frame, moose bicycle is awesome and very reasonably priced.
That’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about! Now I want a Moose Bike!
It’s not sane US citizens doing this
At some point we need to hit their pocket too.
33% of American didn’t even bother to show up and vote. They’re complicit in this, and they deserve the pinch to wake the fuck up as to what their country is doing.
And if that’s not enough, well… the sane ones might need to get off their ass and start doing something about the rampant assholes running around shitting on everyone.
Speaking of turnout, Ontario has an election coming up. Last time, Doug Ford (Conservative) was voted back in with a turnout of 43%. So about 57% of Ontarians didn’t bother to take a few minutes to vote. And now our healthcare and education systems are being dismantled for the sake of profit. Maybe on February 27th we can get a slightly less shameful turnout and vote for someone who will actually stand up for Ontario’s public services and stand up against the USA’s bullying and threats?
There is evidence that voter suppression + not counting/disqualifying forced provisional votes created Trump victory.
33% of American didn’t even bother to show up and vote. They’re complicit in this
Millions in CA, whose votes went to the Dems. So tired of people pretending they can just lump all non voters together when they can’t
You can lump most of them together (I’d make exceptions for those with a genuine reason they couldn’t, a medical issue or absolute lack of transport options for example). even if your state is, and was, solid blue, enough showing support to the Democrat candidate would have meant that Trump couldn’t claim a mandate as the popular vote would have gone the other way. Sure, it wouldn’t change the outcome itself, but would have given some comfort to those suffering that the majority of voters didn’t want this. As it is, he scraped the popular vote, and the record shows that, in fact, the majority of those who could be bothered to vote actually deliberately voted for this.
People who didn’t vote had their votes go to the Dems? What?
Great, sure, and I’m in the 33% that said, and is saying “hell to the power of fuck NO”.
Edit: By which I mean I voted against the current shitshow. Sometimes my engrish is unclear. ;-)
As a fellow American, I hate to say it, but them’s the breaks. Plenty of Russians suffer under sanctions for a war they had nothing to do with. Even though it’s not our fault as we weren’t Trump supporters, we’re in his stupid boat and will pay the price. It sucks.
Yes. But American citizens need to be the ones to stop the Nazi musk/trump regime. March and strike by the millions. Oust them.
Something something second ammendment.
We have all let this happen in one way or another, via complacency, but y’all benefit from being a fascist state and informal empire together. Y’all can suffer the costs of it together, too.
Could you explain what you mean by watch out for the little guy?
Yes, of course. My neighbors, friends, and family working 2-3 jobs just to pay rent, and stay fed. If the little guy were a business owner, it’s them and a partner and maybe a handful of employees, NOT them and 500+ employees. The VAST majority of business in the US is or at least was businesses with less than 500 employees, a.k.a. the definition of small business. Which even seems big to me. My office is me and my life partner, for example. Does that answer your question? :-)
It’s a start, but will he even feel a $100 million loss?
He might not. Maybe Starlink will.
Alright, next let’s do American streaming services.
I only had disney+, prime, and netflix. Last week I was down to netflix. Considering doing that this week as well.
Obligatory shout out.
Pirate it all, it’s American content for the most part
Go further. Sail the seas.
I never stopped, probably been doing this for about 30 years…
As much as I dislike Ford, I’m happy to see him doing his job properly for a change.
(Vote Green.)
This, in no way, makes up for Bill 212. But I’m glad to see that he’s at least united with the rest of the country on one goddamn thing.
Ford is turning into a Canadian conservative which is great to see.
Too bad the Federal leadership is Pierre Pouilivre who is trying his best to imitate Trump and US style politics, a culture war to divide us NOT conservative policies and helping people…
Maybe this will wake up Canadian Conservatives to how toxic their party has become…
Ford is still an idiot he’s just a Canadian idiot first.
It’s just for election season
He called one so suddenly so he can be like this for as little as possible
There’s a reason PP is being so quiet
Ontarians need to show up to the polls and vote strategic ABC to get Ford out.