3? You’ve been playing THREE games? How? Where do you find the time!?
Over 10,000 hours in Counterstrike. My steam review: Not Recommended lol
This is why I don’t bother buying games, much to the bewilderment of my partner who participates in this ‘buy 100, play 5’ thing.
Accept that you’re basic and save that cash for something else
Stardew Valley, Stellaris, and Civ 6 all have over 2000 hours for me.
The problem for me is that the gaming library has cost thousands of dollars and same with the very nice PC.
I play an open source browser game (dcss) that I’ve been playing for 20 years almost exclusively.
Well, I usually keep 3 ongoing games actively playing, right now:
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Metroid Zero Mission (almost get all the items at this point)
TLOZ Breath of The Wild
I would lie if I didn’t say my main focus has been Metroid as of lately.