Conflating ease of operation with ease of sign up. Have you ever tried to read an article online and something pops up and you left the page, even if it wasn’t necessarily trying to get you to log in? That’s the sort of thing they’re talking about.
The difference is more like automatic vs manual transmission. If you’ve only ever used automatic, the mere idea of gears to push is enough to scare most people out of learning. It’s the same with servers/instances and social media
Yeah honestly they should make cars with one pedal. Two is just way to confusing for the average person.
Conflating ease of operation with ease of sign up. Have you ever tried to read an article online and something pops up and you left the page, even if it wasn’t necessarily trying to get you to log in? That’s the sort of thing they’re talking about.
One-pedal driving is a feature in a number of modern cars.
The difference is more like automatic vs manual transmission. If you’ve only ever used automatic, the mere idea of gears to push is enough to scare most people out of learning. It’s the same with servers/instances and social media
Edit: spelling