Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!
Questions of the week (Feel free to answer one, both, neither, or posit your own!):
- Which fields of science are you particularly fascinated by, and can you tell us a niche or exciting tidbit relating to it?
- What is your favourite vegetable(s)?
Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other; however, please keep in mind: vegans only, and we abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct.
Checkout some of our underrated communities:
Vegan Circlejerk
For vegan memes in general as well. New community, so it might not be federated yet!
The Bee Hive
bzzzzzz… bzzzz
Be kind to all Earthlings! 🌱💙
Lately it has been medicine. I have a healthy diet and exercise but as I cross into my mid 40s my numbers on my blood tests weren’t amazing. I had high triglyceride levels and I was getting headaches and learned that my blood pressure was over 120/80. I downloaded a bunch of medical textbooks and am learning how to be a GP. I then followed advice from Dr. Klaper, upped the amount of greens, switched out white rice for brown and starting exercising every day and I reversed course and am all in the green now. Because of this success I have been more interested in lifestyle and aging medicine. Knowing what I know now I really don’t think the keto people are going to live a long time 😬
Check out my lentil sprouts
Have you eaten them all yet? They look really good!
As with learning health and how to be a GP, I feel like I am forced to go that route as well with the way healthcare is going here in Aus haha. Feels like whenever I get the chance to see a doctor I am dismissed and not taken seriously, or even better yet straight up lied to. Glad things are working out well for you :)
Its so many, no! They’re in the refrigerator and I think they’ll be good for another day or so, I eat as many as I can every day lol
I am sprouting stuff atm, you damn sprouting hippies are corrupting me (rice, mung, lentils). How does one use non mung bean sprouts? Do you cook them? Raw as a garnish?
With lentils sprouts if I just sprout them to tails then I cook them in soups. If I grow them to greens like these do I eat them raw in salads and on sandwiches.
Rice I usually sprout to small tails and cook like normal, it is essentially malting it.
Your lentil sprouts look amazing :D
Thanks! They came out so good, I’ve been eating them for a few days now, all from just 1/4 cup of lentils