fears that a Chinese AI could win in the marketplace of ideas by becoming popular domestically.
Free market bro
We gonna build a Great Wall and make
pay for it.
Half of those “AI Executives” are just part of hype companies wrapped up in the AI bubble. It’s the exact same as the crypto bubble, everyone started some company to get gullible VCs to dump money into them. Now it’s popping. Congrats. Now we’re going to lose the rest of the internet as we know it because they wanted to make it rich quick.
They want to stop NVIDIA chips from entering China? Good luck with that! China is where they manufacture the circuit boards containing those chips! Sure, you can halt the supply of NVIDIA chips to China, but not without putting NVIDIA out of business.
Billions don’t want to stop path to trillionaire-dom just because they don’t lead the market in any way at all any longer.
How about a firewall against nations that are hotbeds for scammers.