Enjoy the cool darkness, Hell awaits…
True, not looking forward to next week at all 😕
tomorrow isnt tooo bad, but sunday aint gonna be fun.
Oh, it’s been revised since I looked. I thought the grilling was today til Mon.
Getting out my wisdom teeth today. Should be a fun time 🕺
Ice packs, many ice packs!
I’m still trying to tee up a dental specialist… We are both being extorted by the tooth fairy. What happened to the days when losing a tooth gave you money?
Losing a tooth gives you money. Knowing exactly where the tooth is and wanting it to be forcibly evicted is the expensive bit.
Maybe if I taunt someone they might knock it out for free
You know when you’re doing the usual threesome thing you do on a weekend, and the moonlight’s bouncing off your heads and your arses and everything, does that not get a bit confusing?
Ouch! I hope it all goes well.
Snap lock bags of frozen peas work as well. Nice and small and flexible.
gelato is your friend.
Don’t forget the soups!
Interview 1 went well!!! Really well.
Person interviewing said I’ll most likely be coming in to meet the CFO!
Next one at 1:30pm. Let’s see how it all plays out.
Go you!
oh awesome! another MSP?
Wishing you good luck!
I hope youse have a nice easy stress free Friday. Remember to prepare for the incoming hot days. ❤️
Cold Jelly in the fridge with cool fizzy drinks, all set!
I’ve got watermelon, berries and enough milk and eggs to last until next week.
last night I
-Went to bed early
-Put clean sheets on the bed
-Took a melatonin
-Had a warm shower
-trashed the freshly made bed with the mrs
-drank a chamomile tea
-read for a bit
Still got woken up at 2 by the toddler who isnt well, and still took me a while to fall asleep in the first place, but I only woke up 2 times throughout the night and didnt stay awake for hours after each wake up, so I’d could that a win!
FML. Started getting sick before my exam, then during my exam I ran out of time.
If I scrape through…
Date night last night and we went to Melbourne Cable Park to play mini golf and man, that place really impressed me. It was just so super laid back and cool, watching the wake boarders and the people doing the high ropes course was really cool and inspiring. Boyfy and I spent about an hour just wandering around the lakes and checking things out. I drive past it every day, but had never been in there, the inflatables course looks soooo fun.
I want it known that I tried really hard to come up with a joke about date night and putting but fell short. My apologies, I wont let this happen again.
S’okay, we had it pretty covered last night with jokes about getting it in the hole haha
god how did I miss that? it was right in front of me the whole time!
Walking Miniest to school and she noticed a Tesla and said “there’s a carzi” (rhymes with nazi). I usually call them swasticars. I asked her if she thought of that one herself, and she said she was trying to think of the word I always said but couldn’t think of it so she said that one instead 😂🤣
That’s so good! Great work from the kiddo there!
Appliances Online have run out of cheap(ish) portable air cons. Most economical available now is over $800 … screams in capitalism
Tempted to try the goon bag trick in the next few days. Basically just fill it with water, freeze it and hug it all day.
Recommend half filling it before freezing, and wrapping it in a towel before hugging. Also can be put in bed to rest feet on which is remarkably cooling.