Hmm… Smells like a windows user aswell… Look at that:
.desktopdesktop.iniEdit: fixed the filename
System Volume Information
I’ve caught the whiff of some Linux too…
I would also like a word with “bonjour” process while we’re at it.
Thought it was a virus when I first discovered it.
“Bonjour, i’m here to fuck shit up”
TIL there’s a plural of adieu
My French grammar is perhaps not the best
Lol all good. I took French in high school and was pretty sure their wasn’t an x on the end, but I looked it up and it technically is correct in old French as far as I can tell. Perhaps someone who speaks proper French can chime in.
Idk what all it does and doesn’t do, but installing it in Windows lets you find your Raspberry Pi by its “.local” hostname. I know it was originally for printers or something.
It’s for local service discovery. Those services may be printers on your network, or another computer sharing music on iTunes (which is why as a Windows user you’d usually get Bonjour when installing iTunes). Or maybe it’s your Raspberry Pi.
It feels iffy because it comes bundled with other software without you being asked (IIRC) and it autoruns on startup. And I mean 20 years ago when iPods were a thing and people had to use iTunes on Windows, a couple dozen megabytes of RAM really mattered too. Hell I had 512 MB back when I had an iPod (and therefore iTunes)
All i figured out for certain is that it came bundled with itunes.
That was what caused duplicates on setting the printer as default on dad’s PC. Just disable active scanning for new printers in the config. Was quite some detective work with examining the service file and recursively grepping /etc for variable names multiple times.
Isn’t bonjour the reason that devices like printers famously worked so much better on Mac than windows? I feel like I read an article about that like a decade or two ago.
I saw somebody with Nintendo .DS_store as a username
__MACOSX folders hither and yon.
Every fucking folder in the file share has one of these
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Helps a bit.
Don’t forget:
defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
Found one of these in the firmware zip file of my soundbar today.
Just gitignore that. Same for dot idea and whatever vscode adds, if anything
You can add
.DS Store
in your global gitignore at~/config/git/ignore
git add .
>git commit -m "initial"
>git push
Later when I
git status
or just look at the repo online… “oh crap I let .DS_Store in didn’t I…” and then I remember to set up a .gitignore and make a new commit to take out the .DS_Store and put in the .gitignore.Use this so that the things you need to share do get shared.
.idea/* !.idea/codeStyles !.idea/runConfigurations .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json !.vscode/*.code-snippets
Note: I haven’t checked the vs code ones in depth, the list might not be perfect.
I personally strongly advise against committing IDE junk to version control. Assuming your IDE workspace defaults are “sane” for the rest of the contributors is not a good practice.
I get this but I commit my vscode run configuration and testing env vars.
As you should. Because the alternative is just putting it on some team wiki page where they’ll just copy and paste it to their local stuff anyways. It just saves everyone time.
That’s exactly my thinking.
If your whole team uses the same IDE, what’s wrong with commiting things like run configurations and code styles? I agree in general, but a wholesale ban on it is very cargo culty to me. There can be legitimate times to do it.
I elaborated on it below. Your team will grow and shrink. No guarantee that each developer will bring the same IDE. This is especially true for open source projects.
If it works your team, no need to be dogmatic about it. Just be careful about what you put there and agree on a set of sane defaults with your team. Your project should build and run tasks without needing a specific IDE.
I am not exactly a programmer. What is the .DS_Store file for?
Kind of a mac’s version of desktop.ini. Remembers layouts and other metadata about a folder.
It’s for storing your DSs, obviously.
I learned of those files outside the context of programming. When program or file zip packages contained these random ds store files and I looked up what they are.
Turns out, it’s metadata
cachingfor macOS. Irrelevant and does not belong into [distributed or shared] packages./edit: It’s been a long time ago. Looking at it again, I guess it adds folder metadata, so it could be useful when distributing to other macOS. But for other OS, it’s noise. Either way, usually it’s not intentionally included.
you should do this with every one of these cases. btw, where does .Trash-1000 actually come from?
.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
I had a long and frustrating conflict with this, on this post.
As (An dem Punkt könnten wir auch einfach Deutsch labern) noted, it’s a specification.
I still stand the point that it’s not very thought through (a hidden dir? Why?), and that blindly implementing it is annoying. It shouldn’t be a universal standard for all systems, as it’s only relevant if you use a file manager which can then use that dir as Trash dir - which I don’t. That could be tested by only allowing filemanagers to create the dir, and if it doesn’t exist, discard the data. That’s probably how some programs work, as only Prismlauncher has created the dir.
Workaround: ln -s .Trash-1000 /dev/null
I agree. It somehow seems very unfinished, and it annoyed me more than I’d like
Hab tagelang hass geschoben weil der Schmutz mir massiv Speicherplatz geklaut hat. Muss halt zu dev/null symlinken und prüfe regelmäßig global ob es ein neues davon gibt.
Linux user has been here.
How can you tell?
*sniff* Still smells like smug.
*sniff* Still smells like smug.
LF line endings.
Also applies to Mac but yeah
Didn’t Mac use just CR line endings at some point?
Long long ago, but yeah
Classic Mac OS did, pre OS X aka pre 2001.
It’s only really Windows that doesn’t use LF these days. All the Unix-based ones (Linux, BSD, macOS, iOS, Android etc.) use LF…
Windows also uses linefeeds, they just also add carriage returns.
DS DS DS D-not gonna work here anymore, anyway.
Blue Harvest for Mac will continually clean your removable drives of these files.
This seems like a bit of a scam:
On your external drives you can prevent the creation of.DS_Store
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
If you really want to continuously delete
from both your internal and external hard drives you can set up a cronjob:15 1 * * * root find / -name '.DS_Store' -type f -delete
When I had a Mac, literally the first thing I did was set up a Hazel rule to delete every single .DS_Store in every folder.
Where did this art come from? It seems like the cover to a tabletop wargame about the french and indian war or something.
In 2000, American painter Robert Griffing created a painting titled, Friend or Foe, wherein, two Native American hunters are examining footprints made in the snow.
Super cool, I realized I was thinking of the wargame A Few Acres Of Snow by martin wallace (the designer of the modern classics, Brass Birmingham and Brass Lancashire)