I’m hoping to find something that:
- has a nice dashboard
- is quick and simple to install
- is very lightweight and unobtrusive
- can send alerts via http request
Edit: Thanks everyone, love this community! I went with Beszel, lots of other good recommendations too
Node exporter, Prometheus and grafana
this is the way
I use my family. It has a simple volume based alert for when services are offline.
It’ll even automatically configured variable alert volumes corresponding to the importance of the service!
Until the UPS battery gets low and it beeps, and they look for a way to turn it off vs calling you. Yup.
Beszel. Probably the easiest tool of all the mentioned in this thread.
Seconded. My only complaint (which this might already be a feature I haven’t found yet) is it doesn’t seem to support multiple drives. But yes, it is shit easy to set up and has a beautiful UI
Totally possible:
I no longer have any complaints about Beszel. Thank you!
I’m working on making it easier to install on Debian systems by creating a Debian package (and eventually a repo): https://github.com/henrygd/beszel/pull/497
Went with this one, thanks! Lots of other good recommendations in the thread too though
uptime-kuma is what I use
is cockpit on a server by server basis or can you monitor multiple servers with it?
You can monitor multiple machines via the host switcher menu at the top-left of the screen: Multiple Machines
My cockpit experience has been unilaterally dreadful. I’m glad you’re getting value out of it.
How comes?
We just recently started using zabbix. Open source and has a web interface to get a central view that can be accessed from wherever we allow it.
So far it’s been great but er have had little time and so far have used only 1% of what it can do
Still, I’d recommend it. Super easy to install, seems light weight, has clients for any os you’d need, can send out alerts (we currently use pushover for that)
Netdata is exactly what you’re looking for. It’s basically an all in one monitoring and and alerting suite that collects and analyzes data, and provides a gorgeous web dashboard for you to view.
You can also manually replicate this using Prometheus, Grafana and other tools, but that requires a much bigger effort to set up.
Edit: There’s a public demo instance where you can try everything out: https://frankfurt.netdata.rocks/
Seconding Netdata, I’ve been using it for years. It’s pretty great.
Zabbix is pretty quick and easy. Many different services built in for sending notifications, along with your own custom (including webhooks). Fully customizable dashboard as well so you can add whatever you want/need at a glance.
telegraf, influxdb, grafana, and gatus
send alerts via http request
On this specifically you might want to check
as it’s quite easy to setup and can give you notifications on pretty much any device (including iOS) via your own infrastructure all the way down to basics e.g. SSE. That mean you can subscribe to a topic, e.g. servers per physical location, alert level, etc and only get the ones you need.Node exporter, Prometheus and grafana
Otherwise much heavier but that’s also what I use.
I just see if it works when I need it. If I’m at home it works. If I’m at work it may work. If I’ve left to travel it’s 95% definitely down and cannot be fixed. This works well!
I’m still using Nagios here. And for the availability of the services I’m using uptime-kuma (in a docker).
Nagios. It does depend on what you mean by monitor though. Nagios is good at telling you that “service A on host B” is down" but less useful for looking at things like performance trends. I particularly like being able to setup dependencies between services, so I get the alert for the root cause, and not all of the services that have gone down because of it.