While you can install a 32-bit app on Windows 11, which is 64-bit only, you’ll have to run it through the operating system’s compatibility features. This means you’ll likely encounter issues, especially as games are more complicated than the average app.
This makes zero sense.
Welcome to tech journalism.
Well, actually it’s all journalism, you only notice it in tech because you know more than the author. It’s called Gell-Mann Amnesia: https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/
So they think that… All game code runs through the EA app? That these proprietary launchers are not just a glorified .bat file that runs another file?
I own some older EA games on Steam that still launch through Origin to this date (and fail most of the time). They’re gonna update those to remove the launcher, right? …right?
You have no consumer rights if you don’t enforce them either directly or via a representative.
I’d guess your issue is likely to be dealt with? But if it’s not, I’m gonna guess they’ve figured out that they can just ignore it and risk almost nothing.
They had me in the first half…
Don’t worry everyone, the EA app is just as horrible as the Origin app always was!
I didn’t know Origin was still a thing. I’m still sore they bought Origin (Ultima, Wing Commander) and turned it into… a download service.
don’t buy games on clown launchers imho
GTA6 will be the ultimate test
…that’s okay; in star citizen the vapid simulator download service is called electronic access…
This article sounds like AI slop. Aren’t the vast majority of games 32 bit applications and run just fine on 64 bit OSes? What on earth are they yappin’ about? I’ve had a 64 bit OS since at least 2009. I’ve never had to use any sort of compatibility mode to launch a 32 bit program.
Further, are there genuinely a significant number of people running 32 bit Windows? I’m sure there are some, but I really wouldn’t chalk it up to more than 5%. Certainly not more than 10%.
Sure, and I never had to manually use that. It just happened seamlessly. So what’s this article talking about?
Great question
I’ve never had to use any sort of compatibility mode to launch a 32 bit program.
Sure did. Windows does that automatically while "compatibility mode is rather an “extra compatibility mode”. And on wine, 32 bit is default, 64 bit still considered beta.
Wine is a totally different topic and unrelated. But my point is that if it’s so seamless, even if it’s internally launching it in some compatibility mode, why mention it in the article? On 64 bit Windows I’ve never had to actively think about programs compiled for 32 bit Windows (old programs for previous versions of Windows being a totally different topic). That’s why I’m saying this article sounds like AI slop.
Nah, I feel bad for them. I was part of a similar minority in that my computer was old enough to not have SecureBoot so I couldn’t upgrade to Windows 11. Now I’m happily on Linux.
i bet migrating to the new app is a microtransaction
Fuck Origin. Absolute dogshit launcher that does nothing but ruin your day
It’s impressive to make your new app so obviously worse than the last. It’s even more so when your last app was Origin.