Third degree burns never get sent home by doctors. They need urgent care and not ‘letting it breathe’
Look at this guy who doesn’t lives in a country where insurance companies can deny you services!
It would depend on the extent of the burn if you get sent home, but yeah the wound would need to stay covered. I’ve had very small 3rd degree burns that didn’t require any professional medical attention.
Strangely wholesome.
i love it when my burnt skinless finger starts spraying blood and my date squeezes it, giving me unmeasurable amounts of pain :3
Would you rather bleed out?
but what if i run out of ammo during a paintnall game? i want to take off my glove and spray 'em :3
Lethal Company masked behavior
I don’t think you can bleed out through a finger
Why not? Your body cant produce blood that fast. If it doesnt stop bleeding you can bleed out through any wound. Especially if you happen to have thin blood.
Fingers are small and peripheral.
i was talking about the pain from squeezing the wounded finger. it’s obviously the best thing to do in that situation.
I love it when people who know nothing about medicine argue against the good medical practice of putting pressure on a bleeding wound :3
i love it when i talk sarcasticaly about liking pain and someone thinks it’s anti-medicine propaganda :3
no u
I love it when you imply that a neuro divergent person would need to be able to identify unlabeled sarcasm on the internet. :3
Nice ableism, bud.
i love it when i explain a joke to someone who didnt understand it and get called ableist for it :3
and wdym by unlabeled sarcasm? i thought the “:3” was enough to show someone isn’t being serious. like, seriously, we’ve been using “:3” to do that for this entire thread
also how was i even supposed to know you’re neurodivergent?!?
sarcasm = ableism
Twisting my words and using red herrings won’t make a point, it just shows your stupidity.
Take a chill pill bro this is a greentext thread, no reason to bring out the “this will make me look smart” book 😃
Yeah the fact that you think that basic surface knowledge of fallacies “makes me look smart” doesn’t give confidence about your intelligence, bud.
“How did your date go?”
“I’ve never seen a woman bleed like this before!”3rd degree burns has eshar and crusts and nobody let’s it to breath. Either debridement with skin grafting and appropriate antibiotics for the level of exposure.
Well then, where is the update?
Asking the real questions.
Wedding when?!
So cute.
Imagine the proposal. He gets on his knees, barfs blood. The words… “will you marry me?”
Her wound opens up.
They both hold hands in the hospital bed.
Good job anon!
Good time to ask about hepatitis. Usually an awkward ask, but anon has a golden opportunity,
Especially if they’re gonna use it as lube…