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thats not how rm -rf works
Not to diminish the fact that that’s not how rm works, but that’s also not how anything else in his tweet works either.
I only care about the rm part
Yeah that command wouldn’t run. Which means Elon still has the woke mind virus.
That’s probably why he told everyone to take the red pill. The red pill is estrogen.
…ohhhhhh, so that’s how he’s going to create those genetically engineered catgirls! He meant epigenetic changes caused by estrogen!
But estrogen pills are blue yo
Trust me I know
This is what they looked like in the 90s
Damn, so both pills are estrogen!
That’s how they get you.
estrogen pills being trans is metal af
Yeah he needs a file or directory list after a space after the f
Traditional is /*
Just / would work but --no-preserve-root would kick it up a notch
Bruh you better watch out or I’m gonna delete your IP address
Sounds like Muskrat can’t remove the virus it as it deleted the RM command.
GASP the virus is in the user!
sudo rm -rf elonmusk
Deny, Defend, Depose
Wait, woke isn’t a virus but Elon is?
This is a freshman CS/IT major’s attempt at humor. Most of us learn and grow out of it and/or get the memes right, but Elon isn’t smart and isn’t actually capable of understanding how stupid this looks
No IT major would fuck the syntax like that, this is a script kiddie hooting through a mouthful of cheetos
Elon is not an engineer. Don’t believe his lies.
-bash: woke_mind_virus: command not found
I was a huge SpaceX fan from the early days so watched a lot of Musks presentations and interviews and noticed a lot of repetition and always felt he was strongly working from talking points combined with a reasonably good high level understanding of the topic.
He didn’t work as well off script and seemed to have stunted emotional development, not unlike a lot of internet age manboys raised on memes, video games and porn. It is difficult to reconcile his behaviour with an adult, father and manager of people and money. I suspect he has some seriously competent peiple around him like Shotwell who cover for his fuck ups.
IMO he probably is the kind of guy who can soak up stuff around him, turn it into a set of talking points and repeat it with the appearance of expertise. I think he may have had some cognitive decline due to age and lifestyle but I think he was a pretty competent bullshit artist in the past.
I am not an expert at anything but like many IT people discovered long ago that I can pick up most things in my general field with a bit of research. It is a dangerous mindset sometimes. There really is the feeling that with some basic undergrad math and comp sci and a weekend of googling you can understand quantum field theory and it’s totally delusional of course.
Unfortunately the fake it to you make it culture seems to have won. It doesn’t matter how crap you are, if you put yourself out there with confidence you will outcompete the quiet competent types. And when you get caught out there never seem to be consequences.
you put yourself out there with confidence and your parents blood money from emerald mines you will outcompete the quiet competent types.
But yeah. Point taken.
Nah, he is just a scammer with a lot of luck.
Je was fired for incompetence, for one.
However, if you start looking in what he has promised and what he really has done, a new pattern emerges: it’s all bullshit. He continuously makes fantastic claims that will be ready by tomorrow. It’ll all be done by tomorrow, really!
Tesla’s full self driving, is already here, claimed for 10 years and still isn’t even close. Tesla hasn’t made any new models in the past 10 years begpnd the cyber truck which is a horrendous laughably stupid thing, yet Tesla is still valued more than any other car company that make 10-100 times the amounts of cars that Tesla does.
SpaceX? We’ll be on Mars in 2020, 2021, 2022, etc… SpaceX still can’t get itself beyond low earth orbit and only managed to explode a banana over the Indian ocean. They’re literally 1% done of what they got billions of tax payer funding from. Meanwhile they cheer every time a rocket blows up because…fun? Ohh, how about the tickets sending people to the other side of the world in 39 minutes? Of course any high schooler could tell you 20 reasons why that’s bullshit but Elon fans lap it up.
Boring company? Would make tunnels 100 times cheaper than others, really, truly! Of course anyone can do that too if you don’t put in rails, emergency exits, space to escape in case of emergency, stations, etc.
Okay, how about star link? You know, those thousands of satellites that do the job of single satellites, and totally won’t cause the Kessler syndrome? Yeah, use thousands of satellites in orbits so low that you’ll have to replace them every 5 years costing billions. What does it get you? A slightly lower ping. This seems the most actual successful project to date that comes from him and it’s still a shit show
Hyperloop? The absolute bullshit show what got tens of Billions of investment and went nowhere ever because the idea is fundamentally flawed? Even universities jumped in because reasons, it stopped high speed rail development in the US because this would be so much better, and yeah… China has tens of thousands of kilometres of high speed rail now, and the US has… Nothing.
The robots? The spandex guy, FFS… Any “real” demo of his robots has been 20 years behind on Boston dynamics and even then they had to fake most of if with humans controlling those sad machines
Did I forget anything? Ooohh yeah, the solar roofs, where he cheated too. Lots of court cases about that one
Elon Musk is a scammer, that’s it
Compared to NASA, SpaceX is developing at a breakneck pace. The SLS has its roots in the Constellation program from 2005 which itself came from the 2004 report “Vision for Space Exploration”. That was when NASA finally admitted the Shuttle was never going to live up to its original goals and it had to go.
Ares V is a reconfiguration of Shuttle hardware into a more traditional rocket. It’s still taken two decades and has one test launch to show for it.
SpaceX is the only Musk company I’ll defend, and it also seems to be the one that’s best at keeping Elon from fucking around with them internally.
That said, the whole point of commercial launch systems is that it’s not just one company doing it. Blue Origin might finally have something to show off soon, but there’s nobody else at a reasonable development level. Virgin Galactic only seems interested in space tourisim. (Edit: for completeness sake, I should also add that ULA is a joke.) A bunch of small companies are doing R&D, but few have even a single small launch yet. If it’s just going to be SpaceX, might as well make it a government-run company like the USPS.
Break neck is the right word here.
SpaceX so far hasn’t been able to get beyond low earth orbit. The amount of unneeded exploded rockets us insane and they cheer, every time. When a new crew of astronauts blow up and die, the last they’ll hear is people applauding and cheering. It’s disgusting.
So musk claimed to get us on Mars in 2016 and today, 9 years later we have barely 1% of that goal met. Who do you believe any of the Elon lies?
I don’t believe Elon. I believe in the process. Look back through NASA’a history of testing rockets and you’ll find plenty of stuff that blew up on the pad.
SpaceX has launched several missions into gto, Lagrange points, and even Europa.
I’m sorry, are you comparing the work of NASA back in the 60’s to work done now?
NASA never cheered when rockets blew up. NASA never said “the goal is get off the launch pad, anything else is an extra”. NASA never launched a rocket without a flame diverter, causing them to utterly obliterate a launch pad. NASA didn’t just blow up rockets all the frigging time just to test them. NASA did everything with rulers or at best computers that had the power of a basic calculator. NASA didn’t have the advancements in computers, new materials,new technologies.
NASA also didnt have to deal with a man baby con man
I’m sorry, but this is a very bad comparison
Each of his companies has to have a layer of management that’s simply about directing his attention somewhere that won’t hurt the company. SpaceX seems to do this best, Tesla is OK to bad, and Xhitter is by far the worst.
New fear unlocked: I fit this description and just don’t realize it. Kind of along the lines of imposter syndrome. Am I just bullshitting everyone around me into thinking I’m competent?
did he just attempt to fix a virus on his system by only deleting the containing folder and being like well that’s that
🤔, I must not have the mind virus then as does not loopback on my machines. Victory? Also I’d just like to point out that while hostnames can contain _ they’re not supposed to as it’s reserved for special purposes like SRV records.
To me, the whole thing with “woke” being used as a derogatory term is the same as conservatist folk calling XR, Last Generation and other activists “eco-terrorists”.
Anarchists could be on that list. I grew up thinking anarchists were chaos demons trying to fuck shit up for fun. Turns out they’re just people who actually have empathy and aren’t greedy shitheads.
I’ve watched/played/read things I wouldn’t have discovered if there hadn’t been masses of people crying “woke” about them; there was a period where it was a really useful recommendation engine, because they’d be especially pissy if high quality stuff was woke. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work as well anymore, because “woke” is increasingly meaningless
Well if its in $PATH he just ran it
God this tweet makes me mad on so many levels. Anyone who has spent any meaningful amount of time in the command line knows this tweet is such bullshit.
EDIT: Further venting of frustrations.
Now if he would just remove the French localization
I love how this lucky fucker is always playing his perpetual rolling 20 by chance as genius, when its apparent luck just loves the WORST former genocide victims, from South African Huguenots to Israeli Jews. Armenians, do worse if you want to do better!
I think he’s saying he deleted wokeness within himself
Fuckin stupid tho
He asked grok bc he certainly doesn’t know. Fucking clown.