America does not care about truth. Worse, it actively discourages truth.
Lying is accepted. Making up facts that suit your narrative and shouting down anyone who disagrees gets you rewarded with the highest position of state.
We, the rest of the world, are just watching you guys in horror.
America does not care about truth
Show me a country with social media and I’ll show you people who value making their political opponents ‘look like fools’ by lying.
Almost like that people don’t care about facts everywhere on the planet.
It’s a post-truth world here in the US!
Makes sense. The Internet was the peak of the information age and usually with any cultural push their is the counter culture equivalent. When any truth could be found in seconds we now find ourselves where any opinion can be fed enough backing to feel like a truth.
It’s an tragic fact that correcting a lie is hugely more costly than making and spreading the lie.
That basically sums up all of far right talking points
But not quite as tragic as me using the wrong article in a sentence this profound.
Doesn’t help that a significant number of modern media and platforms is optimized for content lengths that allow one but not the other (headlines, sound bites, micro-blogging, short-form videos).
Why would known diarrhea fetishist Mila Joy say blatant lies on the internet?
You know how cheaters ruin online games? How their fun relies on fucking everyone, abusing the system and winning without respecting the rules? The same applies to people like her, trump, musk, etc. They’re “communication cheaters”, they don’t respect the rules, they abuse the system, yet platforms want us to believe that they deserve to be treated like common users.
“Waah waah mah 🧊 🍑 waah waah censorship” - Fuck you. If free speech was a game, these people would be banned.
The original post has 58k views, the correct information has 2k. That is the level of efficiency that site has in disseminating correct information.
a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes
Aptly put lmaooo, gonna quote this in the future at some point xD
Too late. It’s already become true, and another example of wokeness for your racist uncle to bang on about.
This is exactly why so many things just feel hopeless to me. The worst people have caught on to, and the parrots don’t even realize, that you can just say literally anything and the occupants of your echo chamber will believe it immediately and then refuse to believe whatever reality actually is if it is presented to them by literally any other “outsider.”
Hell even someone of the “in-group” who is not substantial enough will be outed as an “other” if they dare go against the initial message.
Fucking Californian wokies! They made fire gay!
They don’t call it flaming for nothing!
how do we even come back from this
At the risk of being called an accelerationist, the fact of the matter is that the only way out is through.
I just assume things cannot be controlled, there is no direction, and the majority of the human race will be swimming in lies, disinformation and cat memes fur generations
Fur real? I think you’re purrbably right.
I, for one, welcome our fur baby overlords.
I’ll have the cat memes thank you
The French had a similar issue in the tail end of the 1700’s, perhaps we could draw inspiration from their work.
I plan to move somewhere where this isnt a problem. If Im going to live in a capitalist society Im going to exercise my free market choice to choose somewhere better than the McDonalds being run by geriatric conspiracy theorists
This eventually gets CIA’d. There is no escape but slaying the dragon.
Anyone politicizing the fires from the comfort of a place that isn’t burning to the ground, should immediately shut the fuck up.
Personally I would go so far as to say that people politicizing the fires from a place that is burning to the ground should probably also immediately shut up and flee the building.
Well apparently believing in climate change is political over here, and I don’t think it’s wrong to point to this as evidence that we need to make some serious changes.
They are inside the fire too, look at Mel Gibson’s interview practically WHILE his house was burning.
This is not “false” this is just “pants on fire lying”
This person should not have the freedom to speak publicly anymore
Screw freedom of expression as we currently have it. Freedom of expression should become a right with responsibility. if you can’t be responsible, you can’t have the right. You either speak the truth or don’t get to speak to groups, period
I’m SO done with literally everyone and everything lying with zero repercussions. Companies lie, all fine. Politicians lie like there is no tomorrow and that’s fiiiiine, even Obama lied like 25% and that’s fiiiiine, trump literally lies 99% of the time and it’s all fine! Nothing happens, so we just lie more and more and you can’t trust anything or anyone anymore
Freedom of expression on the internet was a big mistake
deleted by creator
Who decides what is true though? In China the gov’t ensures no ‘misinformation’ is spread on their social platforms… Is something like that a good solution for you?
Of course that is an issue but we’ve arrived at a point where I think that is less of an issue than the rampant “everybody and everything is a lie, there is no objective truth anymore, but everybody claims to have the absolute, factual, and moral truth anyway”
The current situation is unsustainable. You can’t have a normal civil discussion about climate change because the other side screeches that climate change is fake news, then shits on the table.
You can’t do anything if you can’t at least agree on what is factual truth and oh boy, Republicans and conservatives just put so much lies and bullshit out there that it’s just not doable anymore
It has to stop. So normal people like you and me, fine, talk. But websites must contain FACTUAL information, or be very clearly labeled “fiction, not factual”. If the site contains information that is known to be false, just have some DMCA like ayatem that will remove it from the Internet.
What source is factual? Anything not supported by a single government, anything that is not funded by any for profit company. Wikipedia is a good example. Sure, it’s far from perfect but it’s a 100 times more reliable than anything else out there and you gotta start with something.
Make an independent government funded group that can work no matter who’s in charge at the government, and they are tasked with checking facts.
If someone with power (politician, famous actor, comoany, whatever) makes some false statement, have it labelled as such and fine them. They don’t repeatedly, remove their Internet posting privileges. They circumvent that? Jail them.
Its either that or humanity will be over. This current anarchy is used by various actors for only their personal benefit, and they all have the “I don’t care if the world burns if I can rule the ashes. I have matches” attitude. How much more of this bullshit do you think we can have? What do you think will happen once AI picture and videos are perfected? You won’t be able to trust anything ever again, the Internet will effectively be dead and only conspiracy wing nuts will use it to read the latest outrageous lie to incentive them to commit some terror attack.
It’s not freedom of expression that’s the issue here; it’s the devaluation of responsible public influence such as (but not limited to) quality journalism. Lots of news agencies that used to be reputable are either going out of business or getting bought out by shady people. Hicks (I should know) have always been able to stand at the edge of their property yelling bullshit. The problem is people started listening and putting them up in the town square to yell bullshit (sometimes they even get paid!).
Yes and no
I fully agree we need to have independent journalists. People won’t pay for news anymore so governments should fund independent journalists through some sort of independent foundation. International foundation, preferably.
But beyond that, it matters little if we still have Alex Jones who somehow has actual listeners, or Fox news which is just a 24/7 bullshit pump with a large userbase.
We need to stop people, organizations, and companies from being able to lie to large groups. You lie? The lie gets immediately marked as being a lie. Not “this is not entirely true”, no, “this is a lie”. Repeat offenders should be fined depending on their worth. You are worth a billion dollars? Get a 100 million dollar fine. Still don’t listen? Jail time, doesn’t matter who you are.
Its either that or I see this world dead within the decade. With AI pictures and videos getting better every day, with AI becoming better at posting, how long do you think we have until we have a dead Internet with only AI posting lies and all extremist humans ready to commit mass murder because the AI bots have been telling them that the Jewish space lasers will make your frog children gay or something?
The Internet gave a bullhorn to idiots and cheaters and though I was one of the earlier users, loving it’s thinking it would rescue the world, now I’m of the opinion that it will doom us all
If every time the press quoted somebody they gave right alongside it a count of past occasions when they were caught lying, there would a lot less lying because people would be reading their quote, looking at the count of lies next to it and mentally going “bullshit!” for the big liars.
The excess lying going around is because the liars take advantage of people being physically unable of keeping track of the liar-levels and lies they’ve been caught on of all the “media personalities” (humans are only capable of managing at best around 200 relationships with other entities, so not just family and friends but also personalities one has an opinion about and even brands).
Part of the reason the Press won’t do that is because so many of them are also liars (in the sense that they’re actual vehicles for Propaganda rather than having Journalistic integrity) but also in many countries legislation such as Anti-slander Legislation means that if they point people’s lies out they can get sued, which is costly even if they win, whilst if they say only good things they get no legal costs, so the whole field is tilted towards painting well know personalities wi the the means or influence to sue news media in a positive light - in other words, the system is designed to protect well connect or rich liars and conmen from being exposed in the most widely circulated media.
Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.
2100 retweets on the lie.
33 on the truth.This stupid bitch has since deleted the tweet and gotten back to it like it’s another Tuesday. OSFM had to put out a statement correcting it. I hate people.
Why the fuck you lying? Stop fucking lying. Why you always lying?
Mila Joy fucks DONKEYS*.
Mila Joy is a HORSE FUCKER*.
Leave Xhitter while you can.
*It’s true, because lols
Like it’s stupid how easy it is to make up misinformation and disinformation, compared to how much effort it takes to refute it. Humanity is doomed.
I could just as easily say: “The Oregon fire department couldn’t get to the fires in time because they had been stopped by immigrant caravans, woke transgender hitchhikers and antifa mobs!!!”
Oh god, don’t give the Directed Unethical Mass Blatherers Aiming Shit Streams Errantly Steadily any easy copy/paste material.
Bot? How do we know that isn’t just another of Elon’s alts?
I suppose somebody could check if she’s called him a good father recently…