Oxfam’s research shows that the richest 1% —comprising 77 million individuals, including billionaires, millionaires, and those earning over $140,000 per year in PPP terms— were responsible for 15.9% of global CO2 emissions in 2019. The bottom 50% (3.9 billion people with an average annual income of $2,000 in PPP terms) accounted for 7.7%
Billionaires and the other 0.01% (not 1%) account for a ludicrously outsized amount of Carbon spend. However the Oxfam research really calls out how outsized even a much Carbon even a much more modest American lifestyle is. $140k/year is a lot even in the US, but still well within what many would call “normal”, especially in pricier areas. We spend a lot of time attacking billionaires for their lifestyles (and don’t get me wrong – fuck them all), but the problem is a lot larger than that.
It also shows how incredible the impact of the wealth gap on climate issues is even in rich countries like the US. The 1% having per capita emissions of 76t, whereas US average is at 17.6t. It is even starker in Europe with a lot of rich people, but lower per capita emissions.
But remember, it’s YOUR responsibility to recycle.
One Luigi per 100 persons, if there are no cops, we will need less Luigis
Does this include the emissions of the companies that they own?
Edit: it includes companies they own
"the super-rich continue to squander humanity’s chances with their lavish lifestyles, polluting stock portfolios and pernicious political influence. This is theft —pure and simple― a tiny few robbing billions of people of their future to feed their insatiable greed.”
Oxfam calls on governments to:
- Reduce the emissions of the richest. Governments must introduce permanent income and wealth taxes on the top 1%, ban or punitively tax carbon-intensive luxury consumptions —starting with private jets and superyachts— and regulate corporations and investors to drastically and fairly reduce their emissions.
- Make rich polluters pay. Climate finance needs are growing rapidly, especially in Global South countries bearing the brunt of climate impacts. While rich countries agreed to mobilize $300 billion a year to help Global South countries cope with warming temperatures and switch to renewable energy, this amount falls drastically short from the $5 trillion climate the Global North owes in climate debt and reparations.
Daymn oxfam is based
To be fair, I have already failed to properly recycle an item or two, as well.