Is there any GPU that stands out to guys as a giod value, or do you believe that everybody should skip them?
I’m liking the 5070 Ti with 16GB 256-bit transfer speed 896 GB/s for $750USD. The 5080 for $1000USD has 16GB 256-bit for 960 GB/s. I don’t see value for the extra $250.
The both have 2x 9th Gen NVENC encoder. The 5080 has 2x 6th Gen decoder, 5070 Ti has 1x 6th Gen decoder. I can use that for OBS recording while watching other videos.
So rasterised vector graphics are ‘real’ to you and DLSS is ‘fake’. How very technical of you…
one calculates what the pixel’s color should be. That’s the actual color that that pixel should be. The real one.
The other one doesn’t try to calculate it and makes an educated guess. That by definition is “not rendering the pixel”.
It has nothing to do with how realistic it looks. And yes, having written both software raytracers and rasterizers, I am technical about this stuff a bit more than just calling vulkan and having it do its magic. I actually dived in all the way
Both are data computations of a fictional scene… what difference does it make?!
one computes the scene, the other literally tries to guess it.
Both are binary computations. Where am I right now, lmao…
I’m not sure what you aren’t getting
You can try it on yourself;
(Sqrt37x 9.436e3+16^3)/2=?
Assuming you do both in your head if you want to do the 2nd fast enough you would have to guess
Your argument is “why does it matter? They’re both done in my head”
The more complex the guess the less accurate it becomes
This shows why it matters
And both are mathematical operations… so I’d say it’s you who’s not getting it.
yes but if you’re trying to calculate the mass of a pea, but you execute the computation that calculates the radius of the sun, you get the wrong answer. You can’t substitute any mathematical expbession for any other. I know you’re trolling at this point, since nobody could possibly be this obtuse. But I felt generous, and felt like feeding you one last time. Because, by your own logic, if you can’t execute any possible calculation, then you also must not be able to calculate how to get food to your mouth. They’re both just electrical signals running around neurons right?
Trolling? Lmao, your word shitting about something completely irrelevant, half the shit I dont bother to read, so why you bother is beyond me…
The discussion was if DLSS and vector graphics are both computer calculations, which they are. That’s it…
how very technical of you!
Yeah, I know.
One draws the scene one guesses at it.