This is actually addressed in the books. There’s a part when Harry is whining how nobody believed him when he said Voldemort was back and Hermione basically goes “Dude, you convinced Cedric to touch the cup at the same time you did, then you both disappeared and you came back with his dead body screaming about an evil wizard who has been dead for more than a decade. I only believed you because I’m your friend.”
This is actually addressed in the books. There’s a part when Harry is whining how nobody believed him when he said Voldemort was back and Hermione basically goes “Dude, you convinced Cedric to touch the cup at the same time you did, then you both disappeared and you came back with his dead body screaming about an evil wizard who has been dead for more than a decade. I only believed you because I’m your friend.”
It’s a huge plot point in the fifth book/film as well. Lots of people including the ministry don’t want to believe him.
Yeah but the movies specifically frame it more as “the ministry has been infiltrated” and less as “Harry, your story is shady af”