When going to use Adobe express on Firefox it comes up with the following message, saying that this browser doesn’t play well with others and that I should use Safari, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge instead.

  • Bibawen88@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Windows is such a shitty platform, with each update they force you to use their browser it’s insane, the ammount of popups and shit they push onto you it’s just crazy. If you browse in windows they sometimes give you web results that you can only see inside of Bing where you get 10 popups to get Edge, now they are introducing some AI Copilot assistant built in into windows that also forces you to use Bing and install Edge in every step you take.

    If you want to use Firefox I highly recommend using Linux since Windows is spying to you anway so it’s not even worth bothering with not using Edge on there.