The boomers were defined by a demographic shift and the millennials (gen y, because Y comes after X and also because “y2k” ) were defined by being young-ish around New year’s day 2000. Meanwhile X, z, α, and allegedly now “β” are just arbitrary postmarks who’s locations are malleable and variable by the person you’re talking to.
This is one of those cultural things that I tend to get grump and annoyed about because it’s stupid and people pretend that it’s real.
Aren’t generations separated by 30ish years?
This is a farce.
Weren’t they defined by major cultural events? Zoomers not remembering 9/11 for example
The short answer is “no.” The long answer is:
This is one of those cultural things that I tend to get grump and annoyed about because it’s stupid and people pretend that it’s real.
I thought it was 20ish years i.e. the average time it takes for babies to reach adulthood and have kids.
Although to be fair I don’t actually know what the average is. It might be 30 for all I know lol