People need a reminder that you can have fun resolutions too.
For example, this year when I pass by an ingredient I’ve never tried before, I’m going to buy it, look up a recipe that uses it and try it. With the goal being that I can expand the staple foodstuffs I keep falling back on week after week.
My gf did this. Realised that we are allowed to have fun resolutions that make us smile, not just… “Better” ourselves :) enjoy!
Eating a bacon cheese burger while I ponder these serious questions … slurping on a chocolate milkshake while I think harder.
Like 52% of the developed first world can be considered morbidly obese.
I highly doubt it’s a willpower or self-control problem, that’s just blaming the victim.
The real issue is there’s fucking sugar in everything.
Read the nutrition facts labels one day and try to keep yourself under 100g of net carbohydrates as a mental experiment while grocery shopping (net meaning carbs - fiber = net).
You’ll quickly notice that the vast majority of things have added sugar via HFCS, even innocuous things like bread or even ketchup.
It’s tough out there.
My favorite advice to avoid this: stick to the outside aisles - the grains (though problematic), fruits/veggies, meats, and dairies. Only delve into the aisles for what you know you need/want. Not foolproof, but less temptation than walking every aisle, esp. when hungry