Discovered in 2021, they’re the most cunning of the dark triads as they have the cognitive empathy that narcissists and psychopaths lack and this makes them the most manipulative and destructive individuals you could meet.
I thought this falls under the general umbrella of “narcissist”? Some narcissists are good at reading other people’s emotions in order to manipulate them.
I thought in general psychopaths have cognitive empathy, what they lack is affective empathy.
If something was discovered in 2021, wouldn’t it be confirmed to exist?
I should stress I do not believe in the concept in the way so many others conceptualize it. You slap a label like “dark triad” on a situation and suddenly the expectations go from “remember the human” to “classic Bond villain”. “Good” and “evil” are alignments as opposed to inclinations. And your limits can only influence how you walk the path to the destiny you choose. So if this was all “confirmed”, it would have no bearing on me. I know many people diagnosed under the dark triad system and most of them fight to be good people in their own way.
As an empath I did feel that someone with the same skill but with nefarious/selfish intentions could be quite destructive on society so I’m not surprised about this.
Having just quickly researched it, sounds like a description of any average classmate of mine when I still went to school tbh
I am just an armchair expert, but aren’t “dark empaths” already real? For example individuals with narcissistic personality disorder don’t necessarily lack empathy. Also manipulation “benefits” greatly from being empathic.