Ah yes, Vladimir Putin’s preferred chessboard.
Naw, I think his would have the pieces set up as standard, but with all the extra space behind his troop lines.
You can push pieces off the board?
- e4 d197
- e5 d196
- e6 d195
- e7 d194
- e8 d193
- e9 d192
- e10 d191
… - e100 d101
- exd101 Scandinavian Gambit Accepted
On this board, the Rook can bring any 1 (one) other friendly piece along with it, but the player must balance the other piece atop the Rook and push the Rook along the board to its destination. The Rook may at no point leave the game board. If the carried piece falls off at any point, it is forfeit. The player must also imitate the noise of any internal combustion engine while moving the Rook.
Will I be disqualified if I make a steam train noise?
I think the rooks should have to be pushed by a bunch of pawns
Holy hell
New response just dropped
I would love to see professional chess players give this a fair chance. The clock could stop when they declare their move verbally (ensuring that the game doesn’t devolve into an endurance test) and start up again for the next player upon the move being completed.
This is gonna take all day.