Taiwanese person here that can read the ingredients. It looks like it’s made from Toad testicles. Edit: nope it’s Gecko
Is it wine made from magical penises?
Wine that will make your penis magic?
Wine for magical penises?
Wine made by a magical penis?
Is the wine magic or the penis?
Generally, the wine is made with extract from animal penises, with the belief that drinking it will give you sexual performance and vitality.
I’ll give it a pass, personally
Ever milked a boy cow?
You’re not steering me the wrong way, right?
I just milked my neighbor’s bull, would not recommend, I literally can’t pee anymore because it won’t go soft.
I’m pretty sure I don’t want to understand that sentence.
To become an Alpha Dick, one must consume the dick of the weak.
Dick of the week, is that some kinda mail-order subscription club?
Hmm. I don’t remember my magical penis making a wine, but I’ll ask it…
+5 Vigor, +5 Endurance
+4 Dexterity
+4 Two-Handed
-5 intelligence
Hmmm I’m detecting notes of cedar, gooseberries, a hint of vanilla… and… and… um… is that…
That’s what my wife calls it when I stir her coffee with my dick
🎶simply having a…🎶
Hahahaha, I heard the song immediately
translate me so that you know more background
‘god whip alcohol’