Latest hits: if gender is performative that means it’s fake and patriarchy doesn’t exist! I don’t know who Judith Butler is!
“That’s right! It goes in the square hole!”
I don’t remember this part of sex ed.
American sex ed fails again.
there are so many people out there who can not fathom that the world could in fact be more complex than the version of it presented to them when they were children.
Im a cis person(tho probably not the kind you meant) and i think talking about gender is pretty tiring. I think everyone has their biases and everything but you can make yourself a good person by trying to understand why you have those biasesa at least. And also gender is a prettt complex thing.
If you’re being open minded and respectful even if you don’t understand something (or disengaging if you can’t) then probably 99% of trans people, myself included, aren’t going to have any issue with your questions or contributions to discussions about gender
It’s the (usually cis) people who are at Gender 101 level engagement, think they’re at Gender 501 level engagement, and also want to understand and learn nothing who make this so goddamn tiring 🥲
lol no disrespect, but you did just say “be open minded and respectful” after posting a meme equating all cis people to idiot babies
Yes, you (general you) as a cis person should be open minded and respectful about trans people, because you don’t know shit about what it’s like to be trans.
But…my point was you can’t say “be open minded and respectful, you dumb, nothing-going-on-upstairs idiot toddler.”
Do unto others, friend. That’s my point. Be respectful, don’t talk down to people and maybe you’ll be able to find that large swath of allies available to you. Because they do exist. But not if you actively repel them. Example: you’re in 196.blahaj and your attitude is not making you friends. You’re turning one of he most sympathetic, understanding spaces against you with your attitude. Seems like that might be your problem in the bigger picture, too. Learn from that.
“Be as respectful of my confident ignorance as you want me to be of your lived experience” isn’t what I fuck with, not sorry.
PS; I literally can’t see downvotes and don’t care. Downvoting me is a pacification button on your end.
I’m…not the one downvoting you. You’re entirely missing the point. And entirely mischaracterizing me. I support you. I want to see you flourish and succeed. That’s what I’ve been saying. But you are shutting the door in everyone’s faces and saying “why doesn’t anyone want to be in this room with me?! They must be bigots!” No, you have to let people support you. You can’t turn everyone away and then blame them for not being on your side.
And that’s not even people not being on your side! It’s that they personally don’t like you—no offense. It has nothing to do with your identity. But if your perception is bent through that particular lens, then you’re seeing a lack of people around you, specifically, as a lack of support for trans people. And that is not what’s happening.
See what I’m saying?
Let’s be honest here, that’s a long way of saying “the vast majority of people couldn’t give a shit either way how I live my life but they just really really wish I’d stop talking about myself for a minute” 😂
Ah, the vegan effect. Tbh I hadn’t thought about it that way before.
I literally had a moment today where I had to explain to a coworker that some feminine presenting women can have xy chromosomes or swyer syndrome. That apparently jenga towered his cis male beliefs on gender.
I got hit with the exact opposite yesterday: “gender cannot be only performative because patriarchy exists and that would mean invalidating people hurt by it”
So tiring
This is my first downdoot on a blahaj post post, or probably meme in general… I get it’s mostly just a joke, but still.
Cis people aren’t all fucked in the head or clueless, just like trans people aren’t. Allies are able to push for, or at least support trans rights, and unfortunately are a lifeline for trans folk that get shoved out of discussions for “bias.”
The “cis bad” memes just add to the lack of understanding, and force and “us vs them” mentality, based only on gender expression. It’s not even an optics thing… It just comes off as wanting to be a victim, before Mr Chadson or Ms Becky have been transphobic, or pushed for a bathroom bill, which almost demands a defensive attidude from them both.
Anyways, I have talked with people that are painfully unaware of how gender works/exists. Whether intentional or not, it is not a great time. I would dip out of the interaction ASAP, unless they are trying to understand or learn, which is kind of rare in most cases.
This meme says cis people are like babies and that I find them tiring, not that they are bad for being cis.
-insert a good faith response to your bad faith, pedantic (at best) argument here-
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If only good empirical books on trans research weren’t burned by the nazis at the start of their regime and trans literature/research weren’t being banned in the U.S. by the GOP…
I have published work in academia so I know from experience. Empirical evidence CAN be extremely biased depending on who is doing the writing. There’s a reason there’s a million (exaggerated, obviously I hope) studies showing that games are both good and bad, studies showing red wine both causes and prevents cancer, studies showing that the Brontosaurus wasn’t a real dinosaur but a misplacement of two different fossils, oh wait just kidding there was a new study that says it IS a real dinosaur. People are people, there’s no perfect study. When studying humans and their behavior, we only have theory that is constantly being rewritten. We have something called cronbach’s alpha that states that as long as data reaches 71% consistency or higher, it’s a valid study. All to say, you can’t always trust empirical evidence
Science already supports the idea of different genders. A basic college biology course could tell you that. Forget “there’s only two genders” the “two sexes” thing is also a myth. Humans have two different kinds of sex chromosomes, x and y. We can have I BELIEVE up to 3 at a time? XX is typically associated with FEMALE and XY is typically associated with MALE unless of course you have de la Chapelle syndrome and your XX chromosomes make you develop a penis instead of a vagina. This is just one example of being intersex. Up to 2% of the population is intersex, 4 times more than the number of cops in the U.S.
Gender being a science doesn’t mean boomers are open and willing to unpack their views of gender though. Unlearning things is painful, scientifically speaking. People HATE unlearning things. There’s lots of studies on cogitative dissonance, if you want to go read your empirical references.
Sorry, I’m not taking homework assignments from you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The fuck does this even mean lol
“Just write a thesis on why you’re right” no, lol
So, when you quote something, the trick is to make it something they actually said.
If they’re questioning your model then just provide a good empirical reference to support it
Yeah I guess that’s more “do my homework for me”
No, it’s saying they don’t understand what you want them to understand and they need help in a concrete way, but this issue doesn’t actually impact them except in the form of threads like this, so they sure aren’t gonna go research it themselves because that’s generally how humans work. I think I captured that right.
Or perhaps, instead of treating people who are broadly on your side like dumb children who simply aren’t trying to meet you half way, acknowledge that you need a different framework for communication with them. Or don’t.
The other poster probably meant something along those lines
Or perhaps, instead of treating people who are broadly on your side like dumb children
This thread isn’t about them, glad to clear that up
wah they don’t understand something I tell them
"Hey here’s a way to help them understand "
fuck you you’re not my teacher
I do not exist to educate people 24/7
Then you have no right to complain lmao, absolute child
Be nice. There’s no need to insult.
People aren’t required to teach you anything. Anyone educating during their free time is doing volunteer work.
Talking about trains with my fellow train drivers:
Talking about trains with those fucking idiot bus drivers who don’t know shit:
Me frantically reading more Butler and Hooks so I’m not seen as a cis normie. /s
The more I look into genders and try to understand it the less I understand. On the gender wiki (apparently gender is so complex it has its own wiki??) I was reading about ‘genderfae’ and ‘genderfoe’ kinda understanding it, kinda not. But when I got to the comments and I saw “gender ≠ pronouns” in the comments and I just gave up trying to understand anything 😭
I’m sure I’ll look into it more at some point but for a ‘3am browsing Wikipedia because I can’t sleep™️’ adventure I did not have the critical thinking for that level of thoughtFWIW I would consider regular Wikipedia a much better source to learn about transgender 101 topics, the stuff you’re talking about is really niche even within the trans community, haha
The gender wiki is a bit much for me. I think a lot of its articles need to get revised a bit.
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Yes, I agree, gender discussions are exhausting
Also I think the right side has to have a little ruler in his hand to smack the child for getting wrong what they don’t understand. Maybe a rolled up newspaper with this meme printed on it. Very meta.