Global warming now: I sleep
Sun exploding in billions of years: real shit
Yeah it’s like, human civilization has been around for less than 0.001% of the time it will take for the sun’s output to meaningfully change to such a degree that life on earth will become impossible. I think it’s more productive to worry about other things first
The sun exploding is practically enevitable, climate change is stoppable, but it requires actual work which is bit too much effort.
The average population couldn’t make the effort of staying home and playing XBox… so yeah, humanity’s fucked
Obviously we should just move to the moon since it doesn’t orbit the sun
Well about that…
Why not just make the Sun immortal lol
Helium extraction lol
Finally someone asking the real questions
It won’t explode as if by supernova because it’s below the Chandrasekar limit of ~1.4 times the sun’s mass needed for that to occur.
It will, however, enter its supergiant phase, and will expand its diameter to engulf the three inner planets. Many hundreds of billions or even hundreds of trillions of years later it will collapse into its stellar dwarf phase.
E: Sun, not earth. There’s a bit of difference, I guess.
I’m pretty sure the Sun’s mass is way above 1.4 times the Earth’s mass, thought.
It’s supposed to be 1.4 times the mass of the sun
Yeah, you’re both correct, botched that one.
I REALLY enjoy the use of wiki as the linked source
It has a delicious sort of passive aggressive vibe to it.
And not even something esoteric, good old entry on the entire planet of Mars!
This X account is from a Space Karen simp
It could even be a Space Karen alt, sounds cringe enough
I’m pretty sure its his alt, not that i have much proof.
Just move Earth to the other galaxy to orbit different star.
I saw that movie too
First time I heard of this movie. Might watch sometimes.
Im surpriced muskas didn’t deleted that function until now.
Considering they were his idea (or he claims they are) I doubt he will.
While true, as the sun expands in old age the habitable zone will move outwards in our solar system.
We only realistically have about a billion years left on this rock. Twice as far in the future as the Cambrian explosion is in the past (500 mya).
In five billion years The sun will explode It’s in the bible It’s a fact
And no one will know That we were ever here It’s a fact It’s a fact
So rest assured in knowing That what you do don’t matter Some one can do it better anyway It’s a fact
-the vandals