Does anyone know of any futanari games where the LGBT agenda is forced down my throat? Asking for myself
That’s just a Saturday night
What? They just don’t want to be getting dicked down by their huge cock anime waifu and hear about stuff like people with dicks who want to get dicked down while also having civil rights. What’s the big deal?
It’s crazy the cognitive dissonance, there was a post back on reddit on r/futanari and someone was like “if you like her check out (trans pornstar)” and there was a heavily upvoted response that said “ew no, that’s a man, I like futas” like brother what, just accept that you like femme dick and stop telling yourself that it’s weird!
It sounds so exhausting to live like that ngl
it is, i was like that (except not a dick about it) for a long time until i managed to become comfortable with the idea of being ostensibly bi. And i don’t even live in a place where most people give a shit, i’d just grown up thinking i’m straight therefore i’m straight, duhhhhh
Streight defaultism and cis normalism are both problems that if eliminated would prevent so many problems.
honestly i’m a proponent of just not talking about gender and sexuality anymore, let the concepts be a part of a bygone era.
People are people and people are varying amounts of attracted to different people, there’s little point in making it any more precise than that unless you’re looking for porn or a date. Why have 7 billion neopronouns when we can just stop giving a fuck what random people find attractive?
Preach! Don’t understand why it’s so hard to live and let live when it comes to gender and sexuality.
also the effing gender stereotypes
It’s sad to see people so insecure about who they are that they have to lie to themselves. Shit must be a nightmare to live with day in and day out.
I on the other hand, welcome communism in my futanari porn games
I don’t only welcome it, I insist.
I play it for the communism!
Our futanari games, comrade
Well that’s an oddly specific game request.