When I was in high school, one of the maths teachers had printed out pi to 100+ digits on tractor feed paper (FYI I am old) and run it around the top of the classroom as a nerdy bit of cornice or whatever.
Because I was so insanely clever(…), I decided to memorise pi to 20 digits to use as my school login password, being about the maximum length password you could have.
Unbeknownst to me, whoever printed it had left one of the pieces of the tractor feed folded over on itself when they hung it up, leaving out a section of the first 20 digits.
I used that password all through school, thinking i was so clever. Until i tried to unrelatedly show off my knowledge of pi and found I’d learned the wrong digits.
I still remember that password / pi to 20 wrong digits. On the one hand, what a waste of brain space. On the other hand, pretty secure password I guess?
Yes, this is implied. It’s also why many people use digits of pi as passwords and make the password hint “easy as pi”.
I have a slightly unique version of this.
When I was in high school, one of the maths teachers had printed out pi to 100+ digits on tractor feed paper (FYI I am old) and run it around the top of the classroom as a nerdy bit of cornice or whatever.
Because I was so insanely clever(…), I decided to memorise pi to 20 digits to use as my school login password, being about the maximum length password you could have.
Unbeknownst to me, whoever printed it had left one of the pieces of the tractor feed folded over on itself when they hung it up, leaving out a section of the first 20 digits.
I used that password all through school, thinking i was so clever. Until i tried to unrelatedly show off my knowledge of pi and found I’d learned the wrong digits.
I still remember that password / pi to 20 wrong digits. On the one hand, what a waste of brain space. On the other hand, pretty secure password I guess?