Protip: You wipe after you completely finish shitting, not the entire time you’re shitting.
I get all my wipes out at the beginning of the month, that way I don’t have to waste time later on
The first week, friends still hang out.
The last 3 weeks Pepé le Pew is their only buddy.
Thanks for the shitty tip!
Speak for yourself. Some of us can poop in parallel.
Parks and Rec is such a great show.
Anon needs to eat more fiber
Funny how there’s always a completely moot discussion about wiping techniques or bidets when the real issue with people having to wipe 20 times is almost always diet.
If you think that’s bullshit go ahead and buy a small (for testing) pack of psyllium husk, consume two table spoons a day (in water or on top of a meal) and witness yourself becoming One-Sheet-Shane on the throne in 3 days.
witness yourself becoming One-Sheet-Shane on the throne in 3 days.
¡Not everybody’s got a Golden Asshole, Kyle!
Psyllium Husk tastes like dirt, try Inulin instead. It’s basically tasteless and does the exact same thing.
and probably a shave
Eventually there is blood but no shit.
Better red than bidet!
It’s the only way I can finger myself without it being gay
If “red” rhymes with “bidet” you’re highly American
Obligatory bidet comment. You don’t have to wipe like you’re trying to get peanut butter out of carpet. All shits become the same with a bidet, whether a short sticky stoagie or a hot wet mess of diarrhea. Imagine trying to clean a mud snowman off your driveway with a pressure washer. It can do anything.
You are a master of imagery.
I’m not gonna pressure wash my tush, that’s a terrible metaphor! Too much power!
Tl;dr: too much pressure can result in an unwelcome “deep clean”, not recommended as a surprise.
You really have to limit the pressure to the bidet. We ultimately installed a little in-line valve but raw dogged it initially. I thought I’d be fine. “It has a dial,” I thought to myself, “I just won’t crank it up all the way.” I’m an idiot.
The next time I was really sick was when it happened. I was little kid sick, the kind of sick where you’re feverish, nauseated, and delirious, barely able to function, yet still have to drag yourself through the house and half-assedly slap your arms at things until they work, just to fulfill basic functions like drinking water and using the toilet. A toilet with a bidet.
I had just finished power blasting the porcelain for the umpteenth time and I wanted nothing more than to wash it away and ooze back into bed. I gathered all my willpower to swing an unwilling appendage over and twist the knob, but I twisted much too far and my aim… my aim was perfect. Bullseye.
In martial arts, they teach you not just to strike your target, but to strike through your target. The bidet didn’t just blast my anus, it blasted through my anus. If we were at the fair, my bidet would have popped the balloon and taken home the big bear. My wife claims she heard me cry out a high-pitched “eeeep!”, but I don’t remember it. I just remember shock and confusion as I pawed at the bidet knob. The bidet had slammed its way straight to home plate and beyond, on to the “fifth base” of legend.
I ordered a valve online that day and installed it as soon as I was able. Never again, not without intent, preparation, and a safe word.
eating fiber helps
Psyllium husks are the best!
There seems to always be a thread about poop on 4chan
4chan has always been filled with shitposters.
I believe you mean scatologists
And scat fetishists
It’s the most intellectual activity they engage in.
Bidet is the way, for sure. Butt if you don’t have access to that, and you are unfortunately enough to have a messy shit, I suggest spitting on the toilet paper (and give it an extra fold so that it doesn’t tear).
Most bathrooms have sinks, you can just wet some toilet paper if there’s no bidet.
Sure, I’ll just wave hi to the folks at the urinals as I waddle over to the sink with my shit caked ass.
I wipe homeopathically.
0.5 mm² gently applied at the top of my crack for a nice even dispersal.
I wipe homo pathetically, I’ll leave the details to your imagination.
You wipe up to the fourth knuckle?
0.5 mm²of what? 0.5 MM² OF WHAT??
Well, in homeopathy, like cures like, so probably more shit.
Hot sauce?
So until they read about it on the internet they were leaving their butthole covered with shit all day?
Bro, you’re supposed to use a NEW piece to wipe each time
Bidets… You don’t have bidets?
Nah he didn’t even run for reelection
Anon never got a new piece of TP after the first wipe…
Just painting that starfish brown with lavish strokes
Y’all need jesus and fibre.
I suspect is might be too much fibre in this case .