What’s your eulogy for Lower Decks?

Here’s mine: I wasn’t sure about Lower Decks for a well - I’d never been into the adult animation genre, and when I first heard of it, I had initially seen it as the wrong direction for Star Trek.

Finally, in late 2023, I watched it for the first time and was surprised to enjoy it.

Then came the crazy month of March 2024. I got rejected from all my dream schools, putting me in a sullen mood. I returned to the show and suddenly started resonating with Boimler as someone who had ambitions - some naive, some not - that weren’t always fulfilled, while I found the Cerritos to be kind of an analogue to the state school I would end up at.

Then, at the end of that month, a close family member shared their advanced pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and they passed a month after. That was when my attachment to Lower Decks solidified - I turned to it as a comfort show and really started to appreciate it. I think I’ve rewatched it twice since then - one randomly in the summer, and one to refresh my memory for the final season that began while I was doing the (mediocre) paint job for a 3D-printed combadge for a costume:

Overall, it’s probably my second favorite show in the franchise at this point, only behind DS9. I’m sure I’ll rewatch it plenty times more, though maybe a bit more sparingly - just one more this year to cope with the emptiness of no more new episodes. 🤭

Lower Decks! Lower Decks!

  • jerakor@startrek.website
    2 months ago

    No Star Trek show loved Star Trek more than Lower Decks.

    I hope this is not the last time we see these characters. Between losing Prodigy and Lower Decks it has been sad for Star Trek as of late.

  • observantTrapezium@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    It was a masterpiece. Definitely an outlier in its craziness, but there’s room for that in such a big franchise, and it will be missed!

    At first, I really hated this show, and really just hate-watched the first season. But it grew on me and I think I thought of it as not-so-bad by the end of the season. But it kept improving, and I think it stands out as probably the best of certainly modern Trek.

    This show was a rare combination of being funny and actually good sci-fi at the same time. It contrasted so much with another Star Trek show that ended this year where characters took themselves way too seriously, and every single day the fate of the whole universe depended on their one ship.

  • fixmycode@feddit.cl
    2 months ago

    I was watching the finale with my partner. I started to tear up during the “science besties” speech. She asked me why, it’s just a cartoon! It broke my heart to know this was the last ride on the Cerritos for the foreseeable future. To be fair I had a similar emotional reaction when I saw the TNG finale and I’m having an smaller reaction while writing this.

    jeez I need to find therapist.